
Collect super-resolution related papers, data, repositories

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Awesome-Super-Resolution(in progress)

Collect some super-resolution related papers, data and repositories.


DL based approach

Note this table is referenced from here


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Model Published Code Keywords
TrilevelNAS arxiv - Trilevel Architecture Search Space
SplitSR arxiv - lightweight,on Mobile Devices
BurstSR arxiv - multi-frame sr, new BurstSR dataset
USTVSRNet arxiv - VSR, Unconstrained video super-resolution,general-ized pixelshuffle layer.
ClassSR cvpr21 code classification,lightweight
FADN arxiv - Efficient SR,DCT,Mask Predictor,dynamic resblocks,frequency mask loss
SESR arxiv - Super-Efficient SR, overparameterization
Adapted VSR arxiv - VSR, Self-Supervised Adaptationn
Generic Perceptual Loss cvpr21 - Random VGG w/o pretrianed, work at semantic segmentation, depthestimation and instance segmentation
U3D-RDN AAAI21 - VSR, Dual Subnet, Multi-stage Communicated Up-sampling

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