
Simple API for a test full-stack app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is a simple API used for building a full stack app. The API is a simple NodeJS app which connects to a database (by default, the api is configured to connect to a MySQL database).


  • To run this project locally, you'll need to have Node JS installed (nodejs.org)
  • If you want to run a local version of MySQL, you'll need to have MySQL server installed. If you're on a Mac, the easiest way is to just run brew install mysql


Clone the repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:ponysmith/whisky-api.git

Install dependencies

Install the project dependencies

$ cd <project_root>
$ npm install

Create Database

You'll need to manually create the database. You can do this by connecting to your chosen MySQL instance:

$ mysql -h <host> -u <user> -p

and creating the database:

mysql> create database <dbname>;

Configure environment

Copy the .env.sample file in the root directory and create .env.development and .env.production files. Supply the database connection information in the files to allow the application to connect to the database(s). Make sure to use the same database name as the one you created above.

Run migrations and seeds

Once you have created the database and configured the environment variables, you can use Knex (knexjs.org) to run migrations and seed the table with data. The easiest way is to just install Knex globally via NPM:

$ npm install -g knex

Once you have Knex installed, just run the migration and seed commands (remember to set the environment flag to the desired environment).

$ knex migrate:latest --env development
$ knex seed:run --env development

Start the application


To run the application in dev mode with live reload:

$ npm run dev

To stop the server, simply use ctrl+c in the terminal where the server is running.


If the dist/dev.bundle.js file doesn't exist (such as with a fresh clone of the repo), you may get an error when trying to launch the dev server. If that happens, simply run the init command first to build the file and then launch the dev server.

$ npm run init
$ npm run dev


To run the application in production mode, first build the production JS bundle, the launch the server in production mode:

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

The production server runs as a daemon. To stop the production server, run npm run stop from the project root.

A word on setting up the server

This repository includes an Ansible playbook for provisioning the API server. While this isn't strictly necessary (you can absolutely install and configure things by hand), it can be helpful in setting up a remote server and ensuring it has the same versions of software, etc. If you want to use Ansible to provision a remote server (e.g. an AWS EC2 instance), follow the steps below:

Make sure you have Ansible installed on your local machine


Configure the hosts file

Edit the /ansible/inventory/aws/hosts file in this repo with the following changes:

  • Replace <IP> with the public IP address of the server you want to provision
  • By default, the Ansible playbook is set to use Python 3 as the remote interpreter. If Python 3 is not available on your remote server, remove ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 from the /ansible/inventory/aws/hosts file to use the default Python 2

Run the Ansible Playbook

Run the following command on your local machine from the root of the repository:

ansible-playbook ansible/aws.yml -i ansible/inventory/aws/hosts -u ubuntu --private-key=~/Desktop/whisky-api.pem

The command above is for an Ubuntu instance running in AWS with a keypair PEM file called whisky-api.pem. You may need to update the values of the -u and --private-key flags depending on your server's user and the location of your PEM file. Just be aware that the user will need to have sudo permissions on the server.

Watch the magic happen!