
one fish, two fish, blink, blink, blink.

Programming Test

running npm start test will set all wristbands to cycle through all 8 team colors

All On

Turns all lights in Kresge the same color.

All On


Starting in the front row, propagates a team color backwards. Propagation rate increases as more rows get filled.


Wave / Rainbow

Wave and Rainbow are two similar effects.


Control the color-change frequency of wave using [W / S] keys.



Twinkle causes all lights in the auditorum to flicker a random color with modular brightness and frequency.


  • Control the brightness with [W / S] keys

  • Control the frequency with [A / D] keys

Paparazzi / Flicker

  • Paparazzi causes all lights in the auditorium to flicker white, with a given probability.


Control the probability with [W / S] keys.

  • Flicker causes all lights in the auditorium to flicker with a given team color.


Control the probability with [W / S] keys.

Fade Down

Fade Down charges all lights in the auditorium to maximum (white) brightness, and then gradually dims them to blackout over the course of ~2 secs.


Hard-coded Constants

Here are the hard-coded constants that MAY need to be changed during the show, depending on how well the wristbands are responding, and decreasing battery life. These can be changed at the top of the /service/public/javascripts/main.js file.

const PROPOGATE_RATE = 300 // msec

const PAPARAZZI_RATE = 400 // msec
const PAPARAZZI_LED = ["64", "A0", "A0"] // [R, G, B] HEX

const RAINBOW_RATE = 900 // msec

const FADE_RATE = 150 // msec
const FADE_FACTOR = 0.83

const waveIntervalMeter = [1000 / 10, 1000 / 8, 1000 / 6, 1000 / 5, 1000 / 4, 1000 / 3, 1000 / 2, 1000 / 1]
const twinkleIntervalMeter = [1000 / 7.5, 1000 / 5.0, 1000 / 4.0, 1000 / 3.0, 1000 / 2.0, 1000 / 1.5, 1000 / 1.0]
const brightnessMeter = [2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 255]
const probMeter = [20, 30, 45, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 180, 215, 255]

Changing color-mixture values.

To adapt to changing battery life, you can change the color mixes for each team color in the side menu to the right (R, G, B VALUES ARE IN HEX).

Color Change

Changes will be updated to the wristbands in real-time.