This is an http server that can be used to test the Mozilla DeepSpeech project. You need an environment with DeepSpeech and a model to run this server.
This code uses the DeepSpeech 0.7 APIs.
You first need to install deepspeech. Depending on your system you can use the CPU package:
pip3 install deepspeech
Or the GPU package:
pip3 install deepspeech-gpu
Then you can install the deepspeech server:
python3 install
The server is also available on pypi, so you can install it with pip:
pip3 install deepspeech-server
Note that python 3.5 is the minimum version required to run the server.
deepspeech-server --config config.json
You can use deepspeech without training a model yourself. Pre-trained models are provided by Mozilla in the release page of the project (See the assets section of the release note):
Once your downloaded a pre-trained model, you can untar it and directly use the sample configuration file:
cp config.sample.json config.json
deepspeech-server --config config.json
The configuration is done with a json file, provided with the "--config" argument. Its structure is the following one:
"deepspeech": {
"model" :"deepspeech-0.7.1-models.pbmm",
"scorer" :"deepspeech-0.7.1-models.scorer",
"beam_width": 500,
"lm_alpha": 0.931289039105002,
"lm_beta": 1.1834137581510284
"server": {
"http": {
"host": "",
"port": 8080,
"request_max_size": 1048576
"log": {
"level": [
{ "logger": "deepspeech_server", "level": "DEBUG"}
The configuration file contains several sections and sub-sections.
Section "deepspeech" contains configuration of the deepspeech engine:
model: The model that was generated by deepspeech. Can be a protobuf file or a memory mapped protobuf.
scorer: [Optional] The scorer file. The scorer is necessary to set lm_alpha or lm_beta manually
beam_width: [Optional] The size of the beam search
lm_alpha and lm_beta: [Optional] The hyperparmeters of the scorer
Section "server" contains configuration of the access part, with on subsection per protocol:
request_max_size (default value: 1048576, i.e. 1MiB) is the maximum payload size allowed by the server. A received payload size above this threshold will return a "413: Request Entity Too Large" error.
host (default value: "") is the listen address of the http server.
port (default value: 8080) is the listening port of the http server.
The log section can be used to set the log levels of the server. This section contains a list of log entries. Each log entry contains the name of a logger and its level. Both follow the convention of the python logging module.
Inference on the model is done via http post requests. For example with the following curl command:
curl -X POST --data-binary @testfile.wav http://localhost:8080/stt