
This repository lets the Fiware-Lab users to deploy kubernetes through Ansible playbooks.

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This repository has set of ansible playbooks created to setup a kubernetes cluster fully automated with one master and multiple worker nodes. This will work on Fiware-Lab VMs. This has been tested and verified on Centos 7.9 64 bit operating systems with Kernel 5.12.10-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 and Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit operating systems with Kernel Linux 4.4.0-210-generic.

quick_start_guide provide the steps which needs to be followed sor the setup using this repository.

Files in this repository under centos and ubuntu folders

  1. ansible.cfg - Ansible configuration file created locally.
  2. hosts - Ansible Inventory File
  3. env_variables - Main environment variable file where we have to specify based on our environment.
  4. settingup_kubernetes_cluster.yml - Ansible Playbook to perform prerequisites ready, setting up nodes, configure master node.
  5. configure_worker_nodes.yml - Ansible Playbook to join worker nodes with master node.
  6. clear_k8s_setup.yml - Ansible Playbook helps to delete entire configurations from all nodes.
  7. playbooks – It’s a directory holds all playbooks.


  1. Ansible script would deploy bare minimum K8s. User can configure K8s like persistent storage etc.
  2. At least three VMs are required for K8s deployment.