End-to-End Project Setup Steps:

Step 1: Create a new environment

conda create -p venv python==3.8
conda activate venv/

Step 2: Create a .gitignore file

Create the file by right-clicking and include the venv in it.

Step 3: Create a requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Create a setup.py file

This is to install the entire project as a package. Additionally, write a function to read the packages from requirements.txt

Step 5: Create a folder src

Include exception, logger, and utils python files. Make this folder a package by including init.py file. The src folder will include another folder named components. Include init.py also.

Step 5.1: Create a folder of components

Include data_ingestion, data_transformation, model trainer, and init.py. These components are to be interconnected in the future.

Step 5.2: Create a folder called pipeline

Create two python files training_pipeline and prediction_pipeline with init.py folder.

Step 6: Create a folder called notebooks

Create a folder called data and include the dataset. Additionally, create an EDA.ipynb file to do the initial exploratory data analysis.

Step 7: Data Ingestion

Write code or scripts to ingest the dataset into the project. You can use tools like pandas, SQL queries, or APIs.

Step 8: Data Transformation

Perform data preprocessing and transformation steps such as handling missing values, encoding categorical variables, scaling features, etc.

Step 9: Model Training

Develop and train machine learning models using the preprocessed data. Experiment with different algorithms and techniques to achieve the best performance.

Step 10: Model Evaluation

Evaluate the performance of trained models using appropriate evaluation metrics. Visualize the results to gain insights into model performance.

Step 11: Model Deployment

Deploy the trained models into production or make them accessible for inference. This can involve creating APIs, deploying on cloud platforms, or packaging the models for distribution.