Front-tracking API

Primary LanguageC

The FronTier README

For information on the FronTier development, please visit the FronTier
homepage at :

	1. Introduction
	2. How to get it
	3. Unpacking
	4. Contents
	5. Configuring and Building 
	6. Running the test programs
	7. Viewing the output
	8. Parallel version of FronTier
	9. Selecting built-in interface initialization and velocity fields
	10. Build your own initial interface
	11. Build your own velocity field function
        12. Propagating the interface

1. Introduction

This library package is designed for those who wish to track the dynamic
motion of explicit boundaries in computations. The front tracking method 
provides high resolution tracking for shock waves, and contact discontinuities 
in continuum medium simulations. This library provides an excellent way 
to design complex fronts in one, two, or three dimensions.

2. How to get it

This distribution can be freely downloaded and distributed under the
terms of the LGPL from:


3. Unpacking 

The FronTier library package is available in the .tar.gz format. 
Some older versions of tar might require the -o option upon extraction to 
ensure that new directories can be created.

4. Contents

If the archive is unpacked correctly, you should have the following files and

The FronTier/ directory is the "root" directory of the FronTier distribution. 
In it should be located the src/ directory. It also contains various files 
required for configuration, and this README file.

The src/        dir contains source code subdirectories:
src/driver/         drives the FronTier gas dynamics package
src/hyp/            contains the solvers for the gas dynamics package
src/tri/            code for the crossing grid portion of the FT code
src/front/          code for front tracking in FT_lite
src/intfc/          code for front tracking geometry in FT_lite
src/pak/            contains linear algebra solvers for use with gas
src/util/           code for memory management and binding in FT_lite
src/gas/            the FronTier gas dynamics package
iMesh/          code for the ITAPS-iMesh plugin for FT_lite
testfront/      simple geometric front tracking from input files
example/        example applications that use the FT_lite API libraries
example3d/        example applications that use the FT_lite API libraries

5. Configuring and  Building 

FronTier is configured and built using autoconf, configure, and make. 
For most users, it is the easiest to build FronTier using the wrapper 
shell script
This script sets some environment variables, calls autoconf and configure,
and then optionally calls make. The build script has some command options 
to control the modules to compile, which can be seen by running 
"./build.sh -h".

The build script recognizes a few systems commonly used by FronTier
developers and users. For these platforms, the script should work
automatically in batch mode without user intervention, assuming the
user's environment has set up correctly.

For an unrecognized system, the build script will run in an
interactive mode and prompts the user to enter some options for the
compilers, PETSc, and HDF. The most basic set of environment variables
is the compilers. In general you should specify proper MPI wrappers
for C, C++, and FORTRAN compilers. If you specify the plain C or
FORTRAN compilers instead of MPI wrappers, then FronTier will be
compiled with MPI disabled. The most complex part of the configuration
process is the specification for PETSc, since it may be platform and
version dependent. In general, you should specify the root path for
PETSc, the PETSC_ARCH variable, and PETSC_LIB. It is important that
the PETSC_ARCH you specified matches with the MPI wrappers you
specified; otherwise there may be compilation or runtime errors.
After obtaining these options, build.sh prints out the commands it
would use to configure and build. You can copy and paste these
commands for later use, or use them as a template for modification.

For more advanced users, you may want to configure and build FronTier 
manually, following three steps:
  1. Set environment variables;
  2. Call autoconf
  3. Call ./configure with additional options.

FronTier has a configure.in file, which will produce the configure file when
"autoconf" is run in the FronTier directory.

  Configuring and building FronTier requires support for sh, GNU make, and
  the necessary compilers for C, and FORTRAN77 (gas dynamics package and Lapack),
  and optionally MPI, PETSc and HDF.

Configuring for the FronTier Lite library:
   In the FronTier directory simply type "./configure", if you are unsure
   how to use this configuration script, or what configurations options 
   are available, type "./configure --help". With this default configuration, 
   all output will be in the VTK file format. 

Configuring for parallel:
   FronTier supports parallel operation using the MPI protocol. The preferred
   implementation is openmpi(http://www.open-mpi.org/). To build with parallel
   support and openmpi just type "./configure --with-openmpi=path_to_mpi" where
   path_to_mpi is the path in which openmpi is located. There is also support
   mpich which can be configured using "./configure --with-mpich=path_to_mpich".
   To build with generic MPI support you can use:
./configure --with-mpi --with-extra-incs=inc_flags --with-extra-libs=lib_flags

Building the FronTier with PETSc package:
   FronTier uses PETSc as linear solver in some applications. To download 
   this package, go to:
   In the FronTier/ directory simply type "./configure --with-petsc=petsc_path".
   where petsc_path is the directory the PETSc is installed. The inclusion
   of PETSc package enables FronTier to use elliptic solvers, parabolic
   solvers using implicit and Crank-Nicolson schemes. FronTier applications
   such as liquid, frgb, subsurf, crystal, finance, all call for PETSc solvers.
   Note that you may need to specify PETSC_ARCH, PETSC_INCLUDE, and PETSC_LIB
   variables on some platforms and/or for some PETSc builds.

Building the FronTier with HDF4 package:
   FronTier uses HDF4.2r1 for 2D animation. To download this package, go to:
   In the FronTier/ directory simply type "./configure --with-hdf=hdf_path".
   where hdf_path is the directory the HDF is installed. The inclusion
   of HDF package gives user capability of producing HDF files as output.

Building the FronTier with GD package:
   FronTier uses GD graphics library for 1D and 2D animations. To download 
   this package, go to:
   In the FronTier/ directory simply type "./configure --with-gd=gd_path".
   where gd_path is the directory the GD is installed. The inclusion
   of GD package gives user capability of producing animated gif files as 
   output in some of the 1D and 2D problems.

Building the FronTier gas dynamics executable:
   In the FronTier/ directory simply type "./configure --with-gas"

These are only a few of the options available, and all options can be specified
together (e.g. "./configure --with-gas --with-hdf=hdf_path"). To see a list of
all possible configure options, type "./configure --help".

To to build what you have configured, in the FronTier/ directory type "make".

After make has finished there will be a new subdirectory in FronTier called
lib/ which will contain all libraries built in the distribution which were 
chosen, the FronTier-Lite version has four libraries:

libutil.a: utility functions and macros for FronTier
libintfc.a: interface geometry functions and related calls
libfront.a: propagation related functions and related calls
libFronTier.a: a convenience library including the previous three

If the gas dynamics executable was built, it will be in:
where "build_cpu" is the architecture type of the machine that built it 
(usually i686 or x86_64 for intel chipsets).

6. Running the test programs 

After compiling the libFronTier.a, one can test the library by running
example code calling the software.

a) Running in serial

Template code for application of FronTier-Lite library are stored in
FronTier/example (for 2D) and FronTier/example3d (3D) directories.
These contain simple and benchmark testing cases. To run them, copy
one of them to example.c, for example:

cp example00.c example.c
./example -o output

If HDF library is linked to the code, the run will produce an output
file named output.hdf. 

If HDF is not linked, then the output will be in the VTK format. You will see
the directories:
        output-vtk.ts00000/, output-vtk.ts00001/, ... 
Each of these contains VTK files for the interface during the named 
time step (That's what the 'ts' in the file name means). 
In 2d, there is 1 file in each of these directories: 2d-intfc.vtk. 
In 3d there are two: 3d-intfc.vtk, and box.vtk.
In each case, the intfc file is the interesting one. The box.vtk file contains
the bounding box for the computational region (which may be useful to plot
along with the interface in some cases).

The FronTier build system also has a built in diagnostic/benchmark series of 
runs for the testfront program. The input cards for these runs are in 
FronTier/testfront/in directory. After the test programs have been built, the 
testfront diagnostic/benchmarks can be run, while in the main FronTier 
directory by typing "make testrun".

To run a single testfront case cd into FronTier/testfront and type:

./testfront -i input -o output

Template input files are located in testfront/in. for example:

testfront -i in/disk-c -o disc-c-out

This will direct the output of the testfront program to a file or series of 
files with the prefix of disc-c-out.

b) running in parallel

The example codes in the example directory can be run in parallel if FronTier
is compiled with MPI enabled. To run the example in parallel, first you must
copy one of the example files to example.c as before, for example:

cp example00.c example.c
mpirun -np 6 ./example -p 3 2 -o output

Here the '-np 6' flag specifies the number of processors (here 6), and the 
'-p 3 2' specifies the number of divisions in the x and y directions for the
computation. Of course, the product of all divisions must equal the number of
processors (e.g. 3*2=6). 

The VTK output for this type of run will give a VTK file for each processor at
each time step. The files will be of the form 'output-vtk.ts00000-nd0000' where 
the numbers following 'ts' are the time step number, and the numbers following
'nd' are the processor ID number.

If HDF output is enabled, the parallel example will produce a single HDF file,
just as with a serial run, which can be viewed in the exact same way.

7. Viewing the output

To view VTK files, we prefer LLNL's vis package: VisIt. It can be found at:
To view a time series of VTK files, it is necessary to create a .visit file.
See the VisIt user's manual for more info on .visit files. Gas dynamics package
will automatically create .visit files for you if VTK output is selected.

VisIt can also be compiled with support for HDF4 to view these files. It is
easier, however, to use HDF's own tools, i.e. hdf2gif. Simply type
        hdf2gif my_hdf_file.hdf my_gif_file.gif
to get a .gif animation of the output. This can be viewed with (our preference)
ImageMagick animate, or in any gif viewer or web browser. ImageMagick is a 
proprietary package with lots of useful tools for manipulating standard image
files. It is located at:

FronTier and gas dynamics packages both also support Geomview files. Geomview
is located at:

8. Selecting built-in interface initialization and velocity fields

The testfront.c driver in the testfront directory uses FronTier's built-in
interface initialization function and velocity field function. 
These functions prompt the user for information using input files.

The function f_init_interface() follows the input file method to answer
questions about interface initialization. For 2D, the possible interface 
types that can be initialized are a straight line, an ellipse, multiple 
circles, sine waves, and a slotted disk. For 3D, there is a plane, an 
ellipse, multiple ellipsoids, a hyperboloid, a paraboloid, a randomly 
perturbed interface, or superimposed sine waves. The input file prompting 
system will ask the user to supply parameters in order to change shape and
size of the corresponding initial interface.

The testfront program  uses the FrontInitVelo() function (with NULL passed
as the second parameter) to setup a velocity function automatically. 
The choices of velocity fields are translation, radial motion, shear motion, 
sinusoidal motion, circular rotation, normal motion, bi-polar velocity, 
and vortex velocity. Look at testfront input files to see all velocity field 
related options. Again, the user needs to supply the parameters for these 
velocity field. These parameters are read from stdin(standart input), which
is redirected from the input file in testfront.c. FrontInitVelo() parses
stdin for the control sequence ': ' which indicates that the proceeding entry
is a response to one of the control fields in the order in which they appear.

9. Build your own initial interface
The built in functions are very simplistic and most users of FronTier 
will usually require something not provided by the the built in functions 
when using FronTier for their research purposes. Therefore, a short example
program which demonstrates interface initialization and velocity functions 
is included in the FronTier/example and FronTier/example3d  directories. This 
section exists to help describe what is going on in the example program, 
through the use of code snippets. To get a full understanding of this program 
you may want to open another window and read the FronTier/example code at the 
same time. If more help is need in writing initialization functions or velocity 
functions feel free to contact the Stony Brook AMS FronTier group for help. You
can find contact information at http://www.ams.sunysb.edu

This sample code lets the user define his/her own computational domain 
and mesh grid. The only input needed for this code is the ft_control 
card which allows the user to specify the appropriate front redistribution 

In order to initialize the interface, the user needs to supply a
data structure containing any parameters for the of the level surface function. 
This may be skipped, but it is good practice to place any parameters that may
vary into such a structure. The user must also provide a level function that
takes these parameters as input, as well as the coordinates of some point. The
level function is a continuous function that has the value 0 anywhere on the
initial surface. At any other point, the value is the shortest distance to
the interface. The distance should be positive if the point is outside the
interface, and negative if inside. The following code snippet shows how to 
initialize a circle:

*      Level function parameters for the initial interface         *

typedef struct {
                /* equation for circle is (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 = R^2 */
        float x0; // center x coordinate
        float y0; // center y coordinate
        float R;  // radius

//This data structure is to be casted as a POINTER (void*) as
//func_params in level_func_pack. The user also needs to supply
//a level function for the initial interface which takes this data
//as input, for example:

 *	Sample (circle) level function for the initial interface    *

static float level_circle_func(
        POINTER func_params,   // This will be a void* pointer pointing to our
                               // input data structure
        float *coords)
        // You must cast from the (void*) type to your user defined type.
	CIRCLE_PARAMS *circle_params = (CIRCLE_PARAMS*)func_params;
	float x0,y0,R,dist;

	x0 = circle_params->x0;
	y0 = circle_params->y0;
	R  = circle_params->R;

	dist = sqrt(sqr(coords[0] - x0) + sqr(coords[1] - y0)) - R;
	return dist;
}	/* end level_circle_func */

// FronTier can be informed of your initialization parameters and level function
// via a call to FrontInitIntfc(LEVEL_FUNC_PACK*); The LEVEL_FUNC_PACK is a 
// FronTier datatype that contains a pointer to your initialization parameters, 
// and a pointer to your level function as below. Negative and positive 
// component indicate the inside and outside of the interface respectively. 
// They must be nonnegative, nonequal integers.

Front front;
LEVEL_FUNC_PACK level_func_pack;
CIRCLE_PARAMS circle_params;
circle_params.x0 = 0.2;
circle_params.y0 = 0.2;
circle_params.R = 0.1;

level_func_pack.neg_component = 1;
level_func_pack.pos_component = 2;
level_func_pack.func_params = (POINTER)&circle_params;
level_func_pack.func = circle_level_func;


10. Build your own velocity field function

To build your own velocity field, you need to have a data structure
containing the parameters for the velocity function and a function that
takes in those parameters, and the coordinates for a point and returns the
velocity. This is an example of parameters for a double vortex velocity:

 *	Velocity function parameters for the front	 	    *

typedef struct {
	float i1,i2;
        float cen1[2],cen2[2]; // 2d coordinates for centers of 2 vortices

//and the velocity function:

 *	Sample (circle) velocity function for the front    *

static int double_vortex_vel(
	POINTER params,
	Front *front,
	POINT *p,
	float *vel)
	float *coords = Coords(p);
	float d1,d2;
	float s1,s2;
	float *cen1 = dv_params->cen1;
	float *cen2 = dv_params->cen2;
	float dx1,dy1;
	float dx2,dy2;

	dx1 = coords[0] - cen1[0]; 
	dy1 = coords[1] - cen1[1];
	dx2 = coords[0] - cen2[0]; 
	dy2 = coords[1] - cen2[1];

	d1 = sqrt(sqr(dx1) + sqr(dy1));
	d2 = sqrt(sqr(dx2) + sqr(dy2));

	s1 = dv_params->i1/2.0/PI/d1;
	s2 = dv_params->i2/2.0/PI/d2;

	vel[0] =  s1*dy1/d1 + s2*dy2/d2;
	vel[1] = -s1*dx1/d1 - s2*dx2/d2;
}	/* end double_vortex_vel */

They are assigned to a VELO_FUNC_PACK in much the same way as the 
LEVEL_FUNC_PACK in the last example, and passed into FronTier via a call to

Front front;
// set values for dv_params;
VELO_FUNC_PACK velo_func_pack;
velo_func_pack.func_params = (POINTER)&dv_params;
velo_func_pack.func = double_vortex_vel;


11. Propagating the interface

The interface is propagated via the FrontAdvance() function. This function has
the following prototype:

EXPORT  int FrontAdvance(
        float    dt,
        float    *dt_frac,
        Front    *front,
        Front    **newfront,
        POINTER  wave);

It is generally called as such:
Front front;
// initialization of interface and velocity field
float dt_frac;
Front *newfront;
int status;
status = FrontAdvance(front->dt,&dt_frac,front,&newfront, (POINTER)NULL);

Where status can have the values: FUNCTION_SUCCEEDED or FUNCTION_FAILED. The
wave structure is used for gas dynamics and to indicate that there is no gas
dynamics taking place, NULL is passed in for the wave. dt_frac is just some
storage that FronTier needs to have passed in each call. newfront is where the
new advanced front will now live. To move this storage to the main "front", use
this line:


And there, the front is propagated.

Visit the webpage:


We are gradually building up the manual page for different functions
provided by the FronTier library.

Last change : April 23, 2009