
An NPM Package which returns random JOKES. It provides the most funniest Jokes to display in your application. Get your daily jokes and keep the humourous spirit rolling 🤣🤣 😂.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Make Me Laugh

An NPM Package which returns random JOKES. It provides the most funniest Jokes to display in your application. Get your daily jokes and keep the humourous spirit rolling 🤣🤣 😂.

Click here to view this package on NPM registry. Check the homepage down here.

Getting started with Humour


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js.

Installation of package is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install --save make-me-laugh


  • Requiring the module
var myjoke = require('make-me-laugh');
  • getJoke() method returns a random joke from jokes Array.
var joke = myjoke.getjoke();

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Please check issues here!

Thankyou for being here! 😊

Check out my other Repositories here

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