rasa chatbot with nodejs, mongodb connectivity
To Run the project, we need three enviornment to be installed
- For Node support :- install node.js
- For Mongo Db Connectivity :- install mongodb and it's compass
- For RASA, please read below :-
Install Anaconda latest version
Install the latest python version 3.8.5
Install visual code studio c++ build tool
Create a conda environment in Anaconda prompt by command
(before executing make sure you are inside the rasa folder which is cd <--your directory-->/finalbotproject/rasa)
Once you are inside the rasa folder, please execute below commands
conda activate (a name which you have provided in the previous command) ( for activating virtual env)
To run the rasa code:
-> First step is training, to train the bot and generate a model, please run this command ---> rasa train
once the bot is trained, please run this command to hit the api from frontend ---> rasa run -m models --cors "*" --debug
-> then in another terminal to run the action server please write command---> rasa run actions
this shall load the bot and you can chat via frontend.
There should be three separate terminals
- to run node server --> 1) npm init (to install all the dependency) 2)node server.js ( to finally run the server)
- to hit API --> rasa run -m models --cors "*" --debug
- to run action server --> rasa run actions