Incoming SDE Intern'22 at Amazon | Research Intern at Samsung| SDE Intern at AppViewX | Mentor at Edyst | GSSoC '21 | Competitive Programmer | Django Developer
AppViewXGuntur, Andhra Pradesh
poojitha2002's Stars
☁️ Build multimodal AI applications with cloud-native stack
Dive into this repository, a comprehensive resource covering Data Structures, Algorithms, 450 DSA by Love Babbar, Striver DSA sheet, Apna College DSA Sheet, and FAANG Questions! 🚀 That's not all! We've got Technical Subjects like Operating Systems, DBMS, SQL, Computer Networks, and Object-Oriented Programming, all waiting for you.
This repository is in development phase and will soon provide you with c++ code of various data structures and algorithms
Participate in Hacktoberfest by contributing to IEEE-MAIT in this repository.