
Basic hub site for the band Laundromat

Primary LanguageJavaScript



1. First-Time Setup

This site requires node and npm to be installed in order to build, and uses firebase to deploy.

1.1 Installing Node on MAC

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Install homebrew by running ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  3. Make sure you're up-to-date by running brew update
  4. Install Node by running brew install node
  5. Confirm successful installation by entering node -v and npm -v, which should both give version numbers if successful

1.2 Installing Firebase

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Run npm install -g firebase-tools
  3. Once complete, log-in to firebase by running firebase login

1.3 Clone the Repo

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Copy the code by running git clone https://github.com/pookage/laundromat-site.git
  3. Navigate into the folder with cd laundromat-site
  4. Install any dependencies with npm install
  5. Open the folder in Finder with open . (including the full-stop)

2. Making Changes

2.1 The Components

The site is made up of multiple smaller 'components' that can be found in /src/components/:

  • landing-page is the general component that renders everything on the landing page, and what renders all the other elements.

    • To change the main heading in the middle of the page, change the heading attribute on the <landing-page> in /src/index.html in the format: heading="Laundromoooooot"
  • background-video is the component in-charge of the background-video behaviour; it handles autoplay and stretching of the video etc.

    • To change the source of the video, edit the portrait-small, portrait-large, landscape-small, landscape-large attributes on the <background-video> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js.
    • To change the image that displays whilst the video is loading or not playing, change the poster-small and poster-large attributes on the <background-video> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js
  • social-links is the component in-charge of rendering the social-media links.

    • To change where the links go to, change the instagram, facebook, or twitter attributes on the <social-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js
    • To remove a link, remove the instagram, facebook or twitter attribute on the <social-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js
    • To add a new link:
      1. add a new attribute to the <social-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js in the format whatever="//url.com/".
        • any name is valid, but it must not contain spaces, so replace spaces with - or _; eg. instead of band camp use band-camp or band_camp.
      2. add the icon for the new link in /dist/assets/icons/, eg. /dist/assets/icons/band-camp.svg
      3. add the icon to the new link by creating a new style in /src/components/social-links/styles.scss immediately after the closing } of &.twitter .link { in the following format:
        &.band-camp .link {
        	background-image: url(assets/icons/band-camp.svg);
        (don't worry - it'll be easy to copy the format when you see it in the file)
  • text-links is the component in-charge of rendering non-social-media links

    • To change where the links go to, change the listen, live, or store attributes on the <text-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js
    • To remove a link, remove the listen, live or store attribute on the <text-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js
    • To add a new link, add a new attribute to the <text-links> in /src/components/landing-page/template.js in the format whatever="//url.com/"
  • mute-toggle is the component in-charge of the mute-button behaviour, which in-turns controls whether the <background-video> is muted or not

    • To change the text on the button, change the value of #MUTE OR #UNMUTE under //config in src/components/mute-toggle/element.js. eg.
       // config
       #MUTE   = "Be quiet";
       #UNMUTE = "Make some noise";
      (NOTE: it's best to use the correct casing here, and not write in ALL CAPS, as whatever is written will be styled in caps anyway)

Do not make any changes to the /dist/index.html or /dist/bundle.js, as these files are generated automatically as part of the build-process, and your changes won't be saved.

2.2 Viewing Changes

At any time, you can start a local server to view changes by:

  1. Opening your terminal
  2. navigating to the folder with cd laundromat-site
  3. starting the server with npm run build-dev

This will open a new browser window with the site, and the browser will automatically reload whenever you save after making changes to the code. If you make any errors in the code, the terminal will say Failed to compile and will ususally say why. You won't see your changes if the terminal failed to compile the code.

If you accidentally close the browser window, you can open it again by visiting http://localhost:8080/.

When you've finished, you can stop the server by pressing ctrl + c when in the terminal.

3. Deploying Changes to the live site

Once you've made the changes and you're happy with them, you can deploy these changes to the live site using Firebase:

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Navigate to the project folder with cd laundromat-site
  3. Log in to firebase with firebase login
  4. Build the site ready for uploading with npm run build-prod
  5. Upload the site with firebase deploy

NOTE: if you're unable to deploy, log out and then log back in again - that usually fixes it.

4. Sharing your changes (optional)

If you want to share the changes you've made so (ie. if you make changes and want me to have them as well).

  1. Create a github account at https://github.com/join
  2. Give your username to pookage to be added as a collaborator
  3. Once you're a collaborator, open your terminal
  4. Navigate to the project folder with cd laundromat-site
  5. Add all of your changes with git add .
  6. Describe what you've done by writing git commit -m "changed the url of a couple social links"
  7. Download the latest version of the site with git pull
  8. Upload your changes to github with git push