
Your guide to the world's most delicious drinkage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WineApp 🍷

Building the App...

Requires npm or yarn (instructions below use npm)

  1. Download, fork, or clone the repo locally
  2. In your CLI, navigate to the project directory
  3. Run npm install to install local dependencies

...for Development

  1. Run npm run build-dev to build the project for local development

    • webpack-dev-server will automatically open the project in a new browser tab
    • Skip past HTTPS warnings (caused by no SSL cert for the project)
    • Any changes to files inside the src/ directory will trigger a hot reload

...for Production

  1. Run npm run build-prod to build the project for deployment

    • Files will be bundled and placed into the dist/ folder
    • Files expect to be run on-server, so to view the production-build either:
      • Deploy the dist/ folder to a hosting provider -OR-
      • Run a http-server in the dist/ folder
    • Before deployment, make sure the server is configured for an SPA otherwise page navigation will not work
    • Whitespaces are removed during bundling process
    • All comments are stripped during bundling process

Further improvements

These are some features that I would have like to have added, but had to cut due to time constraints.

  • Add a UI for more advanced filters
  • Scroll the active page no. in the pagination to the center when changed.
  • Trap the tab focus to only elements inside the active page
  • Include the currency system as part of the <Client> context rather than recalculate in every instance.
  • Add a debounced resize listener to update the <Client> dimension data
  • Style the rebuy ratio rings as radial <meter> elements instead of just a 'border'
  • Handle unknown values if the user manually changes the url query parameters
  • Add gesture support throughout the app
  • Replicate slight parallax effect when scrolling on the details page
  • Replace arrows with SVG icons instead of ::pseudo 'content' to prevent screen-reader announcements
  • Show 'loading' animations whilst fetching data / images
  • Add IE10/11 support with:
    • fetch() polyfill
    • URL() polyfill
    • URLSearchParams() polyfill