A Java server that will provide a simple REST interface into an amalgamation of the static MTA transit data, the realtime data, and the (periodically updated) serviceStatus.txt Obtain an MTA API key (TODO) --------------------- Obtain the static MTA data files (TODO) -------------------------------- Download and build DKO library (TODO) ------------------------------ This project utilizes the DKO (Data Knowledge Objects) package located at https://github.com/keredson/DKO. You must download and compile this package, copying the resulting dko.jar into a libs directory located off the root of this project. If the DKO package ever makes it into maven this requirement will be removed. Build the source (TODO) ---------------- Run the CreateDatabase class (TODO: add the right classpath here and figure out sensible heap size): ---------------------------- java -Xmx512 org.asmic.mta.util.CreateDatabase <path to directory in which to create database> <path to location of unzipped static data files> Note that this data is updated periodically - you will need to re-download this data and run this command whenever that happens. Generate DKO classes (TODO) -------------------- This application relies on the DKO package for interfacing with an embedded instance of SQL server. Prior to running this application you must generate the accessor classes from the created database via the generate_dkos.sh script in the script directory. Also included in this directory is a create_schema.sh that you should never need to run - it is responsible for creating the schemas.json file (that is then used to generate these accessor classes.) If for whatever reason you do need to run this script you will likely need to modify the classpath to point at your local copy of the database jars. Launch server (TODO: add the right classpath here and figure out sensible heap size): ------------- java -Xmx512 org.asmic.mta.Main <path to directory in which database was created> <transit API key> Test the endpoints ------------------ /rest/status ---------------- This endpoint (with no arguments) will return a condensed and easily digestable version of the MTA serviceStatus.txt file broken down by line. Delivered with these results is a timestamp specifying the last time the data was refreshed by the server. GET http://localhost:23432/rest/status should return results such as : { "statusTimestamp": 1426372668826, "results": { "7": { "delays": "Due to signal problems at 33 St-Rawson St, Main St bound [7] trains are running with delays.Allow additional travel time." }, "F": { "delays": "Due to signal problems at 4 Av-9 St, southbound [F] and [G] trains are running with delays.Allow additional travel time." }, "G": { "delays": "Due to signal problems at 4 Av-9 St, southbound [F] and [G] trains are running with delays.Allow additional travel time." } } } /rest/stations<?like=<string>> ---------------- This endopint will allow you to search for precise stations names matching a supplied string. http://localhost:23432/rest/stations?like=Cortland [ { "station": "Cortlandt St", "longitude": -74.012188, "latitude": 40.711835 }, { "station": "Cortlandt St", "longitude": -74.011029, "latitude": 40.710668 }, { "station": "Van Cortlandt Park - 242 St", "longitude": -73.898583, "latitude": 40.889248 } ] To get a list of all stations simply omit the "like" parameter. Please note that duplicates are possible in this list as there is no guarantee that station names are unique. /rest/arrivals?station=<station name as provided by /rest/stations endpoint>&line=<line>[&line=<another line>][&date=<unix timestamp>][&direction=southbound|northbound] ---------------- This endpoint will provide scheduled arrival data (and realtime delay information where available) for user provided lines that service user-provided stations. The date is optional (defaulting to current time) as is the direction (with omission signifying both northbound and southbound routes.) Approximately one hour worth of arrivals will be returned by this call (though in the case of requests made near midnight a few more might be included.) Included with the response are timestamps signifying the last successful realtime and status requests made by the server. http://localhost:23432/rest/arrivals?station=77+St&line=6&direction=southbound&date=1426305599000 { "6": { "arrivals": [ { "stopId": "627S", "scheduledArrivalTime": 1426306140000, "projectedArrivalTime": 1426306260000, "headsign": "BROOKLYN BRIDGE - CITY HALL", "direction": "southbound" }, { "stopId": "627S", "scheduledArrivalTime": 1426306740000, "projectedArrivalTime": 1426306810000, "headsign": "BROOKLYN BRIDGE - CITY HALL", "direction": "southbound" }, { "stopId": "627S", "scheduledArrivalTime": 1426307400000, "projectedArrivalTime": 1426307900000, "headsign": "BROOKLYN BRIDGE - CITY HALL", "direction": "southbound" }, { "stopId": "627S", "scheduledArrivalTime": 1426308300000, "projectedArrivalTime": 1426309100000, "headsign": "BROOKLYN BRIDGE - CITY HALL", "direction": "southbound" } ], "statusTimestamp": 1426293401796, "realtimeTimestamp": 1426293401959, "status": { "delays": "Due to signal problems at 33 St-Rawson St, Main St bound [7] trains are running with delays.Allow additional travel time." } } } Note that if realtime data is not available for a given line (or that line is experiencing good service) then "projectedArrivalTime" will be omitted from arrival results and no "status" object will be included.
Java server that merges static, realtime, and status data for MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York City) data sources