Azure CIP Deployment Scripts

These are demo scripts for setting up resources within Azure. You will need an active subscription to deploy to.

AzureAD will not be setup within these scripts, therefore co-administrators will have to be added within the portal.


To setup the console to deploy the script you can use Azure CLI or Powershell. As the Azure CLI is cross platform, we will outline the steps in this document.

For Powershell please see: Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager

There is also a REST Api that takes the same configuration files

Install Node.js (once per machine)

Install Node.js and NPM

Make sure that npm (Node Package Manager) is installed with Node.js

Test by typing


in any console window. (You might have to restart a console window)

Install Azure-CLI (once per machine)

In the console window type

npm install azure-cli -g

Test by typing


in the console window.

Login and open target subscription

Use the following commands

azure login
azure account list
azure account set <yoursubscriptionid>
azure config mode arm

Create a Azure Resource Group as a container for the solution

azure group create -n CIPPoCResourceGroup -l "West Europe"

Make sure your consoles path is at the same location of this file.

azure group deployment create -f azuredeploy.json -g CIPPoCResourceGroup -n CIPPoCDeployment

When the resource group has been deployed, you will see a summary of the deployment.

info:    Executing command group deployment create
+ Initializing template configurations and parameters
+ Creating a deployment
info:    group deployment create command OK

To get information about your latest deployment.

azure group log show -l CIPPoCDeployment

To get detailed information about deployment failures.

azure group log show -l -v CIPPoCDeployment