Gemnasium Toolbelt

This version of the Toolbelt runs on Alpine Linux (x64) as the standard Toolbelt seems to have issues running in Docker on a 64-bit platform. Full docs from Gemnasium can be found here:

This version also supports being used in CI workflows such as Gitlab CI.


You will need your Gemnasium token to use this tool

To use this with Docker, pull the image and run it from your code directory as follows.


docker run -e GEMNASIUM_TOKEN=yourtokenhere -v $(pwd):/code poolski/gemnasium-toolbelt gemnasium eval -f=/code/Gemfile


docker run -e GEMNASIUM_TOKEN=yourtokenhere -v $(pwd):/code poolski/gemnasium-toolbelt gemnasium eval -f=/code/requirements.txt

If you don't want to specify the token as part of the command, you can always add it to your local environment variables using export GEMNASIUM_TOKEN=yourtokenhere

There are also mechanisms for doing this in most CI platforms, so check the documentation for whatever you're using.