Ansible script to bulk create VLAN range on UCS Manager
UCS Manager GUI does not allow creating range of VLAN and this script aim to speed up the process.
This is effective in the case of UCSM-ACI integration with VMM integration where the range of dynamic VLAN need to be provisioned on the Fabric Interconnect.
Note: recent version of ACI offers UCSM integration and can take care of the dynamic VLAN integration.
UCS Manager Ansible modules has some dependencies. I choose to install these within virtual environment. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 server.
# install the pre-reqs
$ sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip
# setup virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
# (use 'deactivate' when done)
# install ansible with pip.
# wheel is required to setup ansible or else pip will throw errors
(venv) $ pip install wheel
(venv) $ pip install ansible
(venv) $ pip install ucsmsdk
- edit UCS Manager credentials in inventory.yml
- edit vlan range in ucsm-vlancreate.yml
- run the playbook
ansible-playbook ucsm-vlancreate.yml