
This repo summarizes some classical Leetcode question ideas and solutions. It helps me prepare for future interviews.

Leetcode Questions


This repository contains my on-going summary of classical Leetcode questions.

It aims to help me prepare for coding interview, but more importantly, it serves as the playground where I improve my software engineering's fundamental skills.

I believe Leetcode is not simply about coding a solution, but about problem solving, mathematical analysis and coding habits tuning.

This repository is online at https://leetcode.li-mao.net, powered by gitbook.

Table of Content

All questions are organized into different categories as following. Questions with an (en) tag means they are summerized in English.

  • Data Structures
    • (206) Reverse Linked List
    • (224) Basic Calculator
    • (225) Implement Stack Using Queues
    • (227) Basic Calculator II
    • (316) Remove Duplicate Letters
    • (336) Palindrome Pairs
    • (347) Top K Frequent Elements
    • (394) Decode String
  • Linear Structure
    • (3) Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
    • (4) Median of Two Sorted Array
    • (5) Longest Palindromic Substring
    • (6) Zig Zag Conversion (en)
    • (8) String to Integer (en)
    • (11) Container With Most Water
    • (23) Merge K Sorted Lists
    • (48) Rotate Image
    • (56) Merge Intervals
    • (189) Rotate Array
    • (438) Find All Anagrams In a String
  • Tree
    • (103) Binary Tree Zigzg Level Order Traversal
    • (199) Binary Tree Right Side View
    • (222) Count Complete Tree Nodes
    • (226) Invert Binary Tree
    • (230) Kth Smallest Elements BST
    • (250) Count Univalue Subtrees
    • (285) Inorder Successor in BST
    • (508) Most Frequent Subtree Sum
    • (543) Diameter of Binary Tree
  • Graph
    • (142) Linked List Cycle II
    • (207) course Schedule
    • (261) Graph Valid Tree
    • (339) Nested List Weight Sum
  • Dynamic Programming
    • (22) Generate Parentheses
    • (253) Meeting Room II
    • (303) Range Sum Query
  • Mathematics
    • (7) Reverse Integer (en)
    • (50) Pow(x, n)
    • (166) Fraction to Recurring Decimals
    • (360) Sort Transformed Array
    • (367) Valid Perfect Square
  • Object-Oriented Design
    • (295) Find Median From Data Stream

Runtime folder contains some interesting runtime screenshots.

Helpful Links

This section includes very, very helpful resources about Leetcodes, computer science and more. Read below for the proven strategies that help you get the best out of Leetcode practices.