Secret Family Recipes is a recipe sharing web application that allows users to share and discover recipes. It is built using the MERN stack.
- User authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and log out of the website.
- Recipe submission: Users can submit recipes by filling out a form with recipe details and an image.
- Recipe browsing: Users can browse all recipes on the homepage and view individual recipe details.
- Recipe editing and deletion: Users can edit or delete their own recipes.
- Like and comment functionality: Users can like and comment on recipes, and receive real-time updates when other users interact with their recipes.
- Pagination: Recipes are displayed in pages to improve website performance and user experience.
- Node.js and Express.js for server-side development
- MongoDB for database management
- Mongoose for data modeling and manipulation
- React for front-end development
- Passport.js for user authentication
- Multer for handling file uploads
- for real-time updates
- Jest for testing
- Cyclic for deployment
This website uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for organizing code and separating concerns. The server-side code is organized into the following folders:
config: configuration files for the server, database, and authentication
controllers: functions for handling HTTP requests and responses
models: schemas for the recipe and user models
routes: route definitions for the website's pages and API endpoints
public: static assets such as images and stylesheets
views: React components for rendering HTML pages on the server
The front-end code will be organized into the following folders:
src: JavaScript code for the React components, Redux store, and API calls
public: static assets such as images and stylesheets
The database will have two collections: recipes and users.
The recipes collection will have the following schema:
_id: ObjectId,
title: String,
description: String,
ingredients: [String],
directions: [String],
image: String,
likes: Number,
comments: [{
author: ObjectId,
text: String,
createdAt: Date
createdAt: Date,
updatedAt: Date,
author: ObjectId
_id: ObjectId,
email: String,
password: String,
name: String,
createdAt: Date,
updatedAt: Date
The website uses email and password authentication using the Passport.js library.
The website uses to provide real-time updates for likes and comments on recipes. When a user likes or comments on a recipe, other users viewing the recipe will receive a real-time update without needing to refresh the page.
The website will be tested using Jest. Unit tests will be written for individual React components and API functions, and integration tests will be written for the server and database.
The website will be deployed on Cyclic.