
generates latex for the evaluation based on the form responses.

##system requirements latex!

##How to use this script:

  1. Fill out the html form: https://docs.google.com/a/knowlabs.com/forms/d/1aCC1ckzEnd4qF1r6VvWGoiDW9HZuDk44ZN7vglHdgxw/viewform
  2. run the script : python process_csv_to_create_latex.py "student name" version# e.g. python process_csv_to_create_latex.py "Janhavi Joshi" 5
  3. The script will ask you for your google id - please enter your knowlabs id in quotes: e.g. "janhavi@knowlabs.com"
  4. Enter google password without quotes.
  5. The script will generate the pdf of the evaluation in your working directory.

##to dos to refine this script:

  1. prefilled suggestions for each of the “suggestion fields” in the form.
  2. write code for exceeds specifications.