syntax : <file_name>.proto
syntax = "proto3"
means whole file will be following the proto3 version (latest).
message Todo { string id =1; string title =2; optional string content =3; }
this message will be acting like an object that will be either sent or receive in an api .
Note: By default it will be Required and if you mention optional then it will be optional .
We can also have other messages as the type.
: can be thought like an array
so there will be lot of todos that wil be coming .
We can even define the API contracts here . service TodoService { // whenever there is the request to create todo then return todo rpc Create(Todo) returns (Todo) {}
//get the todo from the todo request
rpc Get(TodoRequest) returns (Todo) {}
// whenever there is the empty message return all of the todos
rpc List(Empty) returns (TodoList) {}
NOTE: In Rest - /todo , /users
Recommendation -> Whereas in protocol buffers it is action oriented . like createTodo , GetTodo , ListTodos
install: npm i @grpc/grpc-js
// every function have two things - call , callback
// IMPORTANT : call is going to access the request
object .Kind of fetching parameters from the request .