
This is a learning group to deepen our understanding of Docker, based on [this beginner course](https://devopswithdocker.com/)

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Exercises

This is a learning group to deepen our understanding of Docker, based on this beginner course by the University of Helsinki.

The course includes both learning material and exercises.

Getting started

  • Install docker and docker-compose
  • Fork this repository. Each week you will open a merge request with your work, so can see everyone's progress and compare solutions.


We will follow along the online course (see link above); for each section (there are about 3 parts, each with around 6 sections), we will:

  • read the section individually and work on the exercises
  • meet up (or discuss asyncronously) to discuss the section, compare notes and exercises

Please find a living document of questions and comments ordered by exercise here (requires 8L email to access)

Time commitment

There is a total of around 18 sections across 3 course parts; each section should take (though this is a guess) somewhere between 30 / 90 minutes to complete.

Doing one section per week and including a 30 minutes meeting with the group adds up to between an hour and two a week for around 4 months. The meeting will be optional and we will have a running conversations on the Slack group.


We will nominate a person each week who will:

  • review the next section/exercises to work on
  • communicate the above to the rest of the group
  • setup/run the weekly meeting to discuss solutions to exercises/questions/ideas

Please check the calendar to see the Whale of the Week.

Learning goals (From the course itself)

Part 1 | Can explain what images and containers are and how they’re related. Can build images with Docker for existing projects and run them.

Part 2 | Can manage complex multi-container applications with docker-compose.

Part 3 | Can optimize images sizes and security for production. Knows why docker-compose is not an optimal production solution and what is.