
experiments with p5js and pattern design

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


experiments with p5js on pattern, generative and grid design

art-deco inspired patterns

Art deco 1

Art deco 2

Art deco - rectangles

Art deco - butterfly

Art deco - palm leaf

Animated grids

rectangles 2

rectangles 3

rectangles 4

triangles 1

animated dots interpolation

animated dots interpolation with trace

animated noise lines

animated texture with noise

animated texture with noise looping

simplex noise dragonfly

symetrical radial noise

animated gradients

Grid things

rectangles 1

rectangles 5

rectangle lines 1

rectangle lines 2

circles 1

circles 2

circles flowers

fun flowers

fun flowers overlapping

typographic grid polar coordinates(press the key to change the character displayed)

typographic grid 2 repetition translation and rotation(press the key to change the character displayed)

typographic grid 3 repetition refmexop, and rotation(press the key to change the character displayed)


lines intersecting horizontal and vertical

lines intersecting random angle

Cubic Disarray inspired - (orignal work by Georg Nees)

disarray 1

disarray 2

disarray 3

10 print inspired - 10 print book

10 print 1

10 print 2

10 print 3

10 print 4


supperpositions 1

supperpositions 2

supperpositions 3

snowflakes 1

snowflakes 2


radial-lines with probabilities

Superposing grids

Geometric Shape Pattern inspired by Saskia Freeke's work

Geometric Shape Pattern 2

Geometric Shape Pattern 3

blue rafters

blue rafters 2

blue rafters 3

overlapping circles

Truchet inspired

offscreen graphics 1

offscreen graphics 2

offscreen graphics 3

offscreen graphics 4

offscreen graphics 5

offscreen graphics 6

offscreen graphics 7

offscreen graphics 8

offscreen graphics with gradients


optical illusion 1

chladni patterns

chrysanthemum webgl

palm leaf wireframe

grid of recursive cubes