
Brotli gin's middleware

Primary LanguageGo

Brotli gin's middleware

Gin middleware to enable Brotli support.

NOTE: this repo is an adaptation of how gzip middleware is implemented. I'll try to add new features.


Install Brotli, see here.

Install brotli package for go (cbrotli). Copy github.com/google/brotli/tree/master/go/cbrotli package into GOPATH/ directory


go get github.com/anargu/gin-brotli

How to use

package main

import (

    brotli "github.com/anargu/gin-brotli"

func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    r.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
        c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("World at %s", time.Now()))

    // Listen and Server in


  • Add like a fallback: If brotli is not supported in browser then the request will be handled by gzip compression. And if it's not supported by the browser yet, the request is going to be send as is (without compression).

  • Checking if using sync.Pool is needed to improve performance. Check benchmark test.