
A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Contacting the Developers / Questions and Comments
Please use the Issue tracker on Github or email questions and comments to anyone
listed in the AUTHORS file. Please see the section titled "Reporting Bugs" below
for how to submit a bug report.

Glib >= 2.30 - http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.30/
Gtk+3 >= 3.0 - http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.0/
VTE >= 2.90 - http://developer.gnome.org/vte/0.30/
libConfuse - http://www.nongnu.org/confuse/

On Ubuntu based system install dependencies with:

    sudo apt-get install git automake libgtk-3-dev libvte-2.90-dev libconfuse-dev

You possibly need other packages such as gettext, automake, autoconf, autopoint
On Fedora:

    sudo yum install git automake libconfuse-devel vte3-devel gtk3-devel glib-devel gettext-devel

Installing from source
Generally if you have installed the development packages (*-dev or *-devel) of
the dependencies above then it should be possible to install with:

    ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
    make --silent
    sudo make install

If you don't want to install to the /usr prefix, choose some other prefix,
such as /opt/tilda and add it to your path. Also I recomment to run make with
the --silent (or -s) option.

Running Tilda
Once you have installed tilda, you can run it using the tilda.desktop file which
should have been installed into your system. Alternatively, you can run `tilda'
from your command line, or any other convenient way.

The first time you run Tilda, it will create the default configuration file for
you, and show the configuration wizard. If you do not want to change any
settings, just press the "OK" button to accept the defaults.

The default keybindings to show and hide Tilda are as follows:
F1 - the first instance
F2 - the second instance
F3 - the third instance

Other default keybindings are:
Shift-Ctrl-T - Open new tab
Ctrl-PageUp - Next tab
Ctrl-PageDown - Previous tab
Shift-Ctrl-W - Close current tab
Shift-Ctrl-Q - Exit Tilda

Specifying your own keybinding to hide / show Tilda
We, the developers, have attempted to make the keybinding setting work with as
little trouble as possible. Some example keybindings follow:

| Keybinding String |                       Notes                              |
| grave             | This will use the tilde key. Many people want this.
| ~                 | This is the same as <Shift>grave                         |
| space             | This will use the spacebar to show / hide Tilda.         |
|                   | NOT RECOMMENDED!                                         |
| <Shift><Ctrl>A    | Press Shift, Control, and the "a" key at the same time   |
| <Shift>space      | Press Shift and the spacebar at the same time            |
| <Ctrl>z           | Press Control and the "z" key at the same time           |

That should cover most of the cases. If you want to use something else, it
probably follows the pattern, so give it a try. Alternatively, you can use the
configuration wizard, and press the "Grab Keybinding" button on the
"Keybindings" tab, then type the combination you want to use. Hopefully, Tilda
will be able to grab it for you.

Files that Tilda creates
Tilda now adheres to the XDG Base Directory Specification and creates its files
in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and $XDG_CACHE_HOME folders which normally default to
~/.config/ and ~/.cache/. Tilda will create a lock file in the cache directory
each time it starts, to keep track of how many instances are running:
Tilda will also create the config files in:
where $INSTANCE is the number of how many instances are running and
$PID the process id. If you have been using the old version of tilda before,
there is a migration function, that will automatically move the files at the
old location ~/.tilda/ to the XDG folders for you.

Getting more help
To get more help, you should first open a command prompt, and run "tilda
--help". If that does not help you satisfactorily, please see the section titled
"Contacting the Developers / Questions and Comments" at the beginning of this

Reporting Bugs
We have done our best to make sure that Tilda is free from bugs, but it is
inevitable that we have missed some.

You may open bugs at http://github.com/lanoxx/tilda/issues or email them to the
developers directly.

Contributing to Tilda
If you would like to help us develop Tilda, please send an email to one (or all)
of the developers or open an issue on Github.

You can also look into the TODO file and see if there is something there that
you would like to do.