
The Reddit Post Analytics project aims to provide users with valuable insights and visualizations for a given Reddit post.

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit Post Analytics

Reddit Post Analytics is a web application that allows users to gain valuable insights and visualizations for any Reddit post. By simply entering the URL of a Reddit post, the app analyzes its comments, extracts important information, and generates visualizations to help users understand the post's engagement and community sentiments.


  • Post Information: The app displays the title, author, score, and number of comments for the given Reddit post.
  • Active Redditors: Visualizes the top 10 active redditors by the number of comments and score.
  • Comments Analysis: Provides visualizations such as the number of comments by hour and word frequency analysis.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Performs sentiment analysis on the comments and presents a pie chart showing the sentiment distribution.




  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ahmedkltn/Reddit-Post-Analytics.git
  • Navigate to the project directory:

    cd reddit-post-analytics
  • Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the Streamlit web app:

    streamlit run app.py
  2. Access the app in your web browser at http://localhost:8501.

  3. Enter the URL of a Reddit post in the provided text input and click the Search button.

  4. View the post information, visualizations, and sentiment analysis results.

Technologies Used

  • Streamlit: Python library for building interactive web applications.
  • pandas: Data manipulation and analysis library.
  • Matplotlib: Plotting library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.
  • Plotly Express: High-level data visualization library based on Plotly.
  • NLTK: Natural Language Toolkit library for sentiment analysis.
  • PRAW: Python wrapper for the Reddit API.


Before running the Reddit Post Analytics web app, you'll need to set up your credentials for the Reddit API. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Reddit account if you don't already have one.
  2. Go to the Reddit App Preferences page and click on the Create App or Create Another App button.
  3. After creating the app, you'll see the client ID and client secret. Open the credentials.json file in the project directory and input the client_id and client_secret values from the created app. The credentials.json file should look like this:
  "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"

Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with the client ID obtained from the Reddit App Preferences page, and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET with the client secret.