Paper Puppets

Part A. Actuating DC motors

Link to a video of your virbation motor


Part B. Actuating Servo motors

Part 1. Connect the Servo to your breadboard

a. Which color wires correspond to power, ground and signal?

Answer: Yellow - input , Red - 5V power, Brown - Ground

Part 2. Connect the Servo to your Arduino

a. Which Arduino pin should the signal line of the servo be attached to?

Answer: Pin 9

b. What aspects of the Servo code control angle or speed?

Answer: The amount of delay controls the speed. delay to speed is inversely proportional, as delay decreases, the speed increases. The angle of the end of the motor is controlled by the servo class, which takes an integer from 0-180

Part C. Integrating input and output

Include a photo/movie of your raw circuit in action.


Part D. Paper puppet

a. Make a video of your proto puppet.


Part E. Make it your own

a. Make a video of your final design.

**Cyclops that needs his personal space. If you get too close and touch him, he won't be happy :( **
