
An Ubuntu derived Docker image containing MapServer running as a FastCGI service under Nginx.

Primary LanguageShell

Mapserver in Docker

This is an Ubuntu derived image containing MapServer running under the Nginx web server as a FastCGI service.

We've adapted the geo-data/mapserver-docker repository to use mapserver and GDAL from the UbuntuGIS stable channel.


The HTTP endpoint for the MapServer mapserv CGI binary is the root URL at /. This can be tested by mapping the web server's port 80 on the container to port 8080 on the host:

docker run -p 8080:80 mymapserver:latest

You can then test using the included example mapfile by pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/?map=/usr/local/share/mapserver/examples/test.map&mode=map.

Other than the test mapfile located at /usr/local/share/mapserver/examples/test.map no other MapServer configuration is provided: you will need to provide appropriate mapfiles and ancilliary configuration files (e.g. templates) for running Mapserver, either via volume or bind mounts or in a derived image. E.g. assuming you have the mapfile 'my-app.map' in the current working directory, you could mount it as:

docker run -v $(pwd):/maps:ro -p 8080:80 geodata/mapserver

You will then be able to access the map from your host machine at http://localhost:8080/?map=/maps/my-app.map&mode=map.