
A small toolkit for unified explained machine learning theory using categories

Primary LanguagePython

Numeric Optics

A python library for constructing and training neural networks based on lenses and reverse derivatives.

Tested with Python 3.9

Experiments / Usage Examples

Examples of model construction and training can be found in the ./experiments directory. To run them, you will need to install some additional dependencies:

pip install -r experiments-requirements.txt

You can now run the following examples:

  • Iris dataset
    • A single dense layer model: python -m experiments.iris simple
    • A neural network with a 20-node hidden layer: python -m experiments.iris hidden
  • MNIST dataset
    • A convolutional model python -m experiments.convolutional


To download the iris dataset, run


To download the mnist dataset, run


Equivalent Keras Experiments

For each experiment, we provide an equivalent written in keras.

To run them, install keras and tensorflow dependencies:

pip install -r keras-experiments-requirements.txt

And you can run each experiment as follows:

# Single dense layer Iris model
python -m keras_experiments.iris simple

# 20-hidden-node neural network Iris model
python -m keras_experiments.iris hidden

# MNIST convolutional model
python -m keras_experiments.convolutional

Constructing a model

Models are built using composition >> and tensoring @ of basic primitives. For example, one can construct a neural network's dense layer as the composition of three ParaInit lenses:

linear >> bias >> activation

Which is depicted diagrammatically as the Para map:

           M                B
           ↓        B       ↓
A --- [  linear ] ----- [ bias ] --- [ activation ] ----


  • M is a matrix (the weights)
  • B is a vector (the biases)
  • A is a vector (the input to the network)

Note that as a "normal" string diagram, this is written as follows:

B -----------------\
M ---\               [ + ] --- [ activation ] ---- B
      [ linear ] ---/
A ---/