
Spring Boot Web Application with tons of ready to use features

Primary LanguageJava

A Spring Boot Web Application Seed with tons of Ready to use features. Can be used as starter for bigger projects.


Included Features/Samples

App Architecture:

  • Multi-module Maven app
  • Modular Service/Repository components
  • Default test data created while running the app
  • Spring / Maven profiles for dev/prod/docker ...
  • Dockerfile to run images
  • Docker maven plugin to publish images (follow docker-steps.md)
  • TestContainer in both runtime(optional) and test
  • Deploy to Amazon EC2 ( follow docker-steps.md )


  • Spring Sleuth based tracing
  • Exposing and implementing Open Feign clients
  • Spring Cloud Contract

Spring MVC:

  • Public and internal pages
  • MVC with thymeleaf templating
  • Live update of thymeleaf templates for local development
  • HTML fragments, reusable pagination component using Thymeleaf parameterized fragments
  • webjar - bootstrap4 + jquery
  • Custom Error page
  • Request logger filter
  • Swagger API Docs with UI ( http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html)
  • @RestControllerAdvice, @ControllerAdvice demo
  • CRUD UI + File upload/download
  • favicon handler


  • Account management with KeyCloak
  • Spring Security
  • User/User_Authority entity and repository/services
    • login, logout, home pages based on user role
  • Domain object Access security check on update/delete using custom PermissionEvaluator
  • private pages based on user roles
  • public home page -- view all notes by all
  • Limit max number of record in a paged request


  • Data JPA with User/Authority/Note/ReceivedFile entities, example of EntityGraph
  • MySQL or any other SQL db can be configured for prod/docker etc profiles
  • (in old code) H2 db for local, Console enabled for local ( http://localhost:8081/h2-console/, db url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb, username: sa)
  • jOOQ integration with code generation based on JPA entity
  • Liquibase database migration


  • Unit/integration with JUnit 5, Mockito and Spring Test
  • e2e with Selenide, fixtures. default data generated using Spring
  • file upload/download e2e test with Selenide
  • Architecture test using ArchUnit
  • TestContainers to perform realistic integration test
  • Tests with Spock Framework (Groovy 3, Spock 2)
  • Load test with Gatling


  • Code Generation: lombok, mapstruct
  • Message Queue using ActiveMQ Artemis
  • approval/flagging api - message based
  • Nested comment

Future: do more stuff

  • Spring Cloud Contract integration (WIP)
  • Search service using elastic search -- search into uploaded files as well (WIP)
  • Docker-compose deploy/kubernetes
  • Caching impl
  • Geo-Spatial query for visitors
  • Grafana Dashboard, @Timed and more ...
  • logback LevelChangePropagator integration
  • logback error email
  • logback rolling policy
  • Example of background jobs with Quartz with a basic API/UI
  • Integrate Markdown editor for writing notes
  • rate limit by IP on public API ( article api )
  • Fetch user's avatar
  • UI improvement
  • S3 file upload, test with localstack TestContainers
  • nested comment query/performance fix
  • Signup UI
  • vendor neutral security with OIDC


How to Run

It contains following applications:

  • main-app
  • email-service (optional)
  • report-service (optional)
  • trend-service (optional)

Option 1 - run with manually started KeyCloak, ElasticSearch and ActiveMQ servers

  • Run mvn clean install at root
  • Run docker-compose -f _config/docker-compose.yml up at root to start docker containers
  • Go to main-app folder and run mvn to start the application

Option 2 - automatically start KeyCloak, ElasticSearch and ActiveMQ using TestContainer while application is starting

  • Run mvn clean install at root
  • Go to main-app folder and run mvn -Pdev,withTestContainer to start the application

Option 3 - import into your IDE and compile the full project and run the Application.java on main-app module

Once the application starts, open http://localhost:8081 on your browser. The default username/passwords are listed on : gt.app.Application.initData, which are:

  • system/pass
  • user1/pass
  • user2/pass


Public View

Read Article with nested comment/discussion

Logged in Feed View

Logged in User's Article List View

Admin User's Review Page to approve/disapprove flagged posts

Review Page

New Article