Get the prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install cmake coinor-libclp-dev coinor-libcoinutils-dev coinor-libosi-dev doxygen bison flex
Create a new directory:
mkdir popf-tif
cd popf-tif
Get the code:
git clone .
Configure the sources for building:
cd planner/src
Build the planner:
cd ../release
make popf3-clp
Once POPF-TIF has been compiled, the executable popf3-clp is created in the folder popf.
To run the planner:
./popf3-clp domainfile problemfile
To run the planner with the lookahead heuristic:
./popf3-clp -w domainfile problemfile
To run the planner with the external solver:
./popf3-clp -x domainfile problemfile externalsolver [inputexternalsolver]
For more detailed information, please visit our Wiki Page.