Library for converting numbers from one radix representation (encoding) to another, with optional custom defined encodings. Inspired by rubyworks/radix.
- Convert to and from any base.
- Define custom encoding and character sets.
Base conversions with ASCII ordered notations are easy in Javascript.
(255).toString(16) === 'ff'
parseInt('ff', 16) === 255
But JavaScript limits you to radix values 2 - 36.
(255).toString(37) // error
power-radix provides the means of converting to and from any base.
For example, a number in base 256 can be representated by the array [100, 10] (Math.pow(100, 256) + Math.pow(10, 1)) and can be converted to base 10.
// as an array
new PowerRadix([100, 10], 256).toArray(10); // ['2', '5', '6', '1', '0']
// or as a string
new PowerRadix([100, 10], 256).toString(10); // "25610"
power-radix also supports custom character encodings. By default, power-radix uses the following character encoding:
You can optionally specify an array of characters to use as symbols for a radix to give your output a custom encoding.
var base = ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P'];
new PowerRadix([1, 0], 10).toArray(base); // ['W', 'Q']
new PowerRadix('10', 10).toArray(base); // ['W', 'Q']
new PowerRadix(10, 10).toArray(base); // ['W', 'Q']
new PowerRadix([1, 0], 10).toString(base); // "WQ"
new PowerRadix('10', 10).toString(base); // "WQ"
new PowerRadix(10, 10).toString(base); // "WQ"
$ npm install power-radix
// Tests + coverage reports are run using Lab
$ npm test