
Docker image for Geoserver

Primary LanguageShell

Geoserver Docker Image

Deprecated - All new development will occur in the official BC Gov repo: https://github.com/bcgov/geodock.


Run the build

docker build -t geodock:1.0 ./


Geoserver comes with an admin account, password geoserver. You can change this automatically by creating a file .env and putting in the following:


Substituting new_password for your new password.

Then run docker like this:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name geodock --env-file .env/local.sh geodock:1.0

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web and you should see the Geoserver welcome page

Logging into the container

docker exec -t -i geodock /bin/bash

Stopping and cleaning up

docker stop geodock
docker system prune -a

Running in OpenShift

oc new-app --name=invasivesbci-geoserver-dev \
--env-file=.env/dev.sh https://github.com/popkinj/geodock.git

Cleaning up Openshift

oc get all --selector app=invasivesbci-geoserver-dev
# If everything found can be deleted
oc delete all --selector app=invasivesbci-geoserver-dev