
Convert GeoJSON into CZML

Primary LanguageLiveScript


Convert GeoJSON to CZML, Cesium Markup Language. This is the file format that Cesium uses. Only point feature types are currently supported.

Configure how attributes are stored in the GeoJSON. Specify the names of the date, id, elevation & label fields. These would be stored in the parameters object of the GeoJSON. The date and ID are mandatory. The elev and label fields is optional and defaults to 0 & an empty string respectively.

const options = {
  id: "animal_id",
  date: "date_recorded",
  elev: "elevation",
  label: "animal_id"

Here is a very simple example which shows the format of GeoJSON which has currently been tested to work.

import geo2czml from 'geo2czml';

const geojson = 
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "id": 1,
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "properties": {
        "sex": "Male",
        "wlh_id": "18-xxxxx",
        "species": "Flimmer Flammer",
        "location": null,
        "animal_id": "CAR217",
        "collar_id": "84cd57e9-a990-4e95-8971-dad0b5483126",
        "device_id": 81228,
        "frequency": 152.071,
        "critter_id": "80fb06b4-707e-4fd6-a03a-a2b07cf035b8",
        "elevation": 1200,
        "date_recorded": "2021-03-27T00:01:10-07:00",
        "device_status": "Mortality",
        "device_vendor": "Lotek",
        "population_unit": "Frisby-Boulder"

const czml = geo2czml.convert(geojson, options);


npm run build

Running the main test.

npm test