
Signatures, Identity, Reputation, and Security.. for everyone.

Primary LanguageVue

Scatter Desktop


None of these package are signed yet. Make sure you only download Scatter Desktop from this GitHub, and NOWHERE ELSE.

Running in development mode

This runs best with node v9.8.0 and electron v1.8.2

  • clone the repo
  • run yarn install to install the dependencies. Important: You can only use yarn to install right now as there's two versions of eosjs being pulled in and only yarn supports aliasing.
  • run npm start to start the local server with hot-reloading
  • run electron . or ./node_modules/bin/electron . from the directory to start electron.


  • npm run build
  • npm run release-mac or npm run release-windows or npm run release-linux ( you must build from the target machine )

Creating Apps for Scatter

Check out the Documentation