
Tools to validate BPs have set up their public configuration correctly

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

Tools to validate that Block Producers and Standby Block Producers have set up their public configuration in a usable fashion.

The validator has multiple parts which need to be installed:

  • rabbitmq
  • mariadb
  • webui
  • dispatch
  • probe

All parts can be installed on the same server, or each on its own server. Adjust usernames and passwords listed in the instructions to suit.

Installation Instructions (for ubuntu/debian):


  • run: apt install rabbitmq-server
  • run: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  • run: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stomp
  • run: rabbitmqctl add_vhost bpvalidate
  • run: rabbitmqctl add_user bpvalidate bpvalidate
  • run: rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p bpvalidate bpvalidate '.' '.' '.*'


  • run: apt install mariadb-server
  • mysql: create database bpvalidate
  • mysql: create user bpvalidate identified by 'bpvalidate'
  • mysql: grant all privileges on bpvalidate.* to 'bpvalidate'@'%'



  • install libraries from https://github.com/EOS-Nation/perl-lib
  • run: apt install libjson-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libdata-validate-perl liblocale-codes-perl libnet-stomp-perl libyaml-perl
  • mkdir /run/bpvalidate


Environment Variables:

  • EOSN_WEBPAGE_WEB=/var/www/bpvalidate
  • EOSN_WEBPAGE_CONFIG=/somewhere/bpvalidate/config/config