
bookshelf-plugin-mode is inspired by visibility plugin, providing functionality to specify different modes with corresponding visible/hidden fields of model.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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bookshelf-plugin-mode is inspired by visibility plugin, providing functionality to specify different modes with corresponding visible/hidden fields of model.


npm install --save bookshelf-plugin-mode


add plugin

var mode = require('bookshelf-plugin-mode');

define model modes

const User = bookshelf.Model.extend({
  tableName: "user",
  idAttribute: "user_id",
  serialize: function () {
    return {
      id: this.get('user_id'),
      name: this.get('name'),
      tel: this.get('tel'),
      email: this.get('email')
  modes: {
    info: {
      hidden: ['id']
    test: {
      visible: ['name','tel']

use mode(...) in query

new User().mode('info').fetch();
// {name: "username", tel: "user_tel", email: "user_email}
new User().mode('test').fetch();
// {name: "username, tel: "user_tel"}

use mode in related

new User().fetch({
   originalOptions: {
     require: true,
     withRelated: ['relatedTable', 'photo']
    modeOptions: {
     'relatedTable': 'mode',
     'photo': 'info'