Inspired from pouchdb-dump-cli. This package extends the capabilities of pouchdb-dump-cli to query specific data and dump it into a file. You can access it via the CLI or directly using the library. Note that importing this package into your code only gives you an easy access to query your PouchDB instance.
To install this package, simply run this command : npm i pouchdb-dump-select
If you plan to use the CLI, I suggest that you install it globally like this : npm i -g pouchdb-dump-select
Once installed, you can use this command to access the CLI : pouchdb-ds
which stands for PouchDB-Dump-Select.
Full parameters bellow :
-h, --help Help message [boolean]
-v, --view The view name including the design doc prefix
--vk, --viewkey The view key on wich the documents will be indexed.
-k, --key The key(s) to fetch
--dd, --designdoc Determine if a design doc will be created if querying views.
-o, --output-file output file (else will dump to stdout)
-u, --username username for the CouchDB database (if it's protected)
-p, --password password for the CouchDB database (if it's protected)
-s, --split split into multiple files, for every n docs
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pouchdb-dump-select\bin.js http://localhost:5984/mydb > dump.txt Dump from the "mydb" CouchDB to dump.txt
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pouchdb-dump-select\bin.js /path/to/mydb > dump.txt Dump from the "mydb" LevelDB-based PouchDB to dump.txt
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pouchdb-dump-select\bin.js /path/to/mydb -o dump.txt Dump to the specified file instead of stdout
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pouchdb-dump-select\bin.js -u myUsername -p myPassword > dump.txt Specify a CouchDB username and password if it's protected
The actual library is a constructor with 3 public methods.
You can access the full documentation here.
So first of all, you need to require the library :
var PDS = require("pouchdb-dump-select");
#Note This package is not stable yet, so don't put it in a production environment. CLI parameters and functions might change. I will try to write a changelog if it happens.
- Complete README doc.
- Add unit test on the main code
- Add tests on the CLI.
- Add some format parameter so this tool is compatible with PouchDB-load
- Reimplement the split file save