Assembler(Keystone-Engine) + Emulator(Unicorn-Engine) + interactive cli library(ishell) = Text-based Assembler Emulator
Assembler Shell(asmshell) is a Text-based assembler emulator.
You can easily check the execution result of the assembler.
Enjoy! :)
Multi-architecture support(depends on unicorn/keystone-engine)
Assemble & emulation : i8086, x86, x64, arm-thumb(be), arm(be), arm64, mips(be), mips64(be), sparc, sparc64
Assemble only : powerpc, powerpc64(le), sparcle, systemZ
Future support : arm64be, m68k
Useful functions
Shell like commands : fragments, run linux commands...etc
Handled like a shell : Ctrl-P/Ctrl-N, Ctrl-A/Ctrl-E, Ctrl-H/Ctr-D...etc
Cross Platform(depends on go) : *NIX, OSX, Windows
APIs : see go/examples
Go language, unicorn-engine and keystone-engine are necessary, but the installation process is automated with Makefile.
Install CMake/Python(2.X,virtualenv)/make/Compiler(gcc,g++)/Git
Build asmshell
$ virtualenv2 ENV && . ENV/bin/activate
$ git clone
$ cd asmshell && make
$ ./asmshell.exe -h
If you have already installed go and unicorn, keystone and capstone, run this.
$ make symlink deps asmshell
$ ./asmshell.exe [-h/--help]
$ ./asmshell.exe
$ ./asmshell.exe -a x64
You can register mnemonic fragments.
$ ./asmshell.exe
(x86)> fragment symbol # register from input
in> mov ecx, 0x20
... l1:
... inc eax
... dec ecx
... jnz l1; # ';' is end the register
'symbol` is registered
(x86)> fragment show # show registered fragments. If you want show specify fragments, run this -> 'fragment show <name1> <name2>...'
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz l1
(x86)> fragment run symbol
Read from file.
$ cat xor.txt
xor ax, cx
$ ./asmshell.exe
(x86)> f encrypt encrypt.txt # register from file. 'f' is alias of fragment
(x86)> f s encrypt # 'f s' is alias of 'fragment show'
(x86)> f r encrypt # fragment run encrypt
If you want to register binary code, change filename to ".bin".(".bin" suffix is very important)
(x86)> f test code.bin # disassemble code.bin and register
(x86)> f s test
$ ./asmshell.exe
(x86)> set # show available architecture
Usage: set <arch>
Supported: i8086, x86, x64, arm-thumb(be), arm(be), arm64, mips(be), mips64(be), sparc(le), sparc64, [ppc|powerpc], [ppc64(le)|powerpc64(le)], [sysz|systemz|systemZ]
(x86)> set arm
$ ./asmshell.exe
(x86)> !ls -lga
help : display help
fragment [run/show/delete] : register/run/show/delete fragment
!<cmd> : run shell commands
set <arch> : set architecture and mode
exit/quit/q : exit the program
I am not an architectual expert. Therefore, I think there are many bugs and strangeness in this program. If you want to contribute, please pick up something from our Github issues. We also maintain a list of more challenged problems in a TODO.txt.
The software in this repository is covered by the MIT license.
poppycompass (t0g0v31dk at gmail dot com)