
Website monitoring service

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go website watcher

ci tests


System that monitors website availability and produces metrics that will be stored in a PostgreSQL database. Uses Kafka as message broker. Contains consumer and producer services


Periodically checks the target websites and sends the results to a Kafka topic.


Consumes the messages from the Kafka topic and writes them into PostgreSQL database.

Metrics collected

Metric Type Description
created_at TIMESTAMPTZ Time of check
url TEXT URL of the checked website
error TEXT Error message if there is no response. Including, but not limited to, network and context timeout (30 sec) errors
regexp_pattern TEXT (Optional) regexp pattern to test if the page contents match
regexp_match BOOLEAN (Optional) whether the regexp pattern matches page contents
status_code SMALLINT HTTP status code of the response
timetofirstbyte_ms SMALLINT Time to first byte (TTFB) response time in milliseconds

Response times over 30 seconds are considered as no response


  • Docker Compose
  • Kafka and PostgreSQL
  • (go-)migrate
    • if you have Go installed, install with make tools
    • otherwise check migrate CLI how to install the binary

If you don't have Kafka and PostgreSQL available, check Terraform README to see how to easily set them up in Aiven.


Deploy with docker-compose. You will need following secrets:

  • Kafka Access Key (file: kafka_access.key)
  • Kafka Access Certificate (file: kafka_access.cert)
  • Kafka CA Certificate (file: ca.pem)
  • Kafka Service URI (env value: KAFKA_SERVICE_URI)
  • PostgreSQL Service URI (env value: POSTGRES_DBURL)

Kafka topic used is hardcoded to be go-website-watcher

The configuration for list of websites to check for is in website_config.txt file. Each line contains website URL, followed by space and optional regexp pattern to check whether the response body matches it.

Check docker-compose.yml file to see which secret files and environment values are needed.

After you have set up these files & environment variables, run initial database migrations and start the service with:

make db-migrate-up
docker-compose up



For Make help:

make help


make test



  • (Consumer) Do not ack Kafka message until it has been written successfully to the database
  • (Consumer) Read and write messages in batches instead of 1 by 1
  • (Producer) Fix the data race (see tcnksm/go-httpstat#21)
  • Release v0.0.1
  • Add proper flag parsing, some values are still hardcoded
  • Build docker images in CI
  • Add proper tests
  • Add proper (structured) logging
  • Add golangci-lint
  • Add ability to use other message brokers