Magic the Gathering Planeswalker Points history scraper


  • Your DCI Number

Additional requirements for detailed event history

  • Login access to your Wizards account that is linked to your DCI number


  1. Download the binary from releases. Supported platforms are Linux64, MacOS and Win64. Pick the appropriate file based on your operating system. No other dependencies are needed, the executable contains all the libraries needed.
  2. Login to your Wizards account at
  3. While logged in, click CTRL + Shift + J in your browser to open developer console. Go to Application tab -> Storage -> Cookies -> and from the list on the right find the cookie Named PWP.ASPXAUTH and copy paste the Value from next to it. Pass this value to this program as the -cookie argument.
  4. Pass your dcinumber and the cookie you just got to this program in following format (assuming windows executable): ` pwscraper-win64.exe -dcinumber $DCINUMBER -cookie $COOKIE for example:
pwscraper-win64.exe -dcinumber 12345 -cookie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
  • Pwscraper will go and download your event history and save the detailed html's ineventdata folder.
  • Pwscraper will parse the downloaded eventdata and combine them into planeswalker.json file that contains all the information. You can delete the eventdata folder afterwards.
  • If you passed invalid cookie value (or if you don't have Wizards account at all you can pass fake cookie to get your history without details) the final planeswalker.json contains empty EventDetails objects.