
Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

Puppet Magic Castle

This repo contains the Puppet classes that are used to define the roles of the instances in a Magic Castle cluster. The attribution of the roles is done in manifests/site.pp. The functioning of the profile classes can be customized by defined values in the hieradata. The following sections list the available variables for each profile.


Variable Type Description Default
profile::accounts::guests::passwd String[8] Password set for all guest accounts (min length: 8)
profile::accounts::guests::nb_accounts Integer[0] Number of guests account that needs to be created (min value: 0)
profile::accounts::guests::prefix String[1] Prefix for guest account usernames followed an index i.e: user12 (min length: 1) 'user'
profile::accounts::guests::sponsor String[3] Name for the sponsor group and sponsor Slurm account (min length: 3) 'sponsor00'


Variable Type Description Default
profile::base::admin_email String Email of the cluster administrator, use to send log and report cluster related issues undef
profile::base::sudoer_username String Name of the user with sudo rights. Used to config SELinux user mapping 'centos'


Variable Type Description Default
profile::consul::server_ip String IP address of the consul server


Variable Type Description Default
profile::cvmfs::client::quota_limit Integer Instance local cache directory soft quota (MB) 4096
profile::cvmfs::client::repositories Array[String] List of CVMFS repositories to mount ['cvmfs-config.computecanada.ca', 'soft.computecanada.ca']
profile::cvmfs::client::lmod_default_modules Array[String] List of lmod default modules ['nixpkgs/16.09', 'imkl/2018.3.222', 'gcc/7.3.0', 'openmpi/3.1.2']


Variable Type Description Default
fail2ban::ignoreip Array[String] List of IP addresses that can never be banned (compatible with CIDR notation) []
fail2ban::service_ensure Enum['running', 'stopped'] Enable fail2ban service running


Variable Type Description Default
profile::freeipa::base::admin_passwd String Password of the FreeIPA admin account, also used by the clients to join the server
profile::freeipa::base::dns_ip String FreeIPA DNS server IP Address. Used by the client to join find the server
profile::freeipa::base::domain_name String FreeIPA primary domain
profile::freeipa::client::server_ip String FreeIPA server ip address
profile::freeipa::mokey::port Integer Mokey internal web server port 12345
profile::freeipa::mokey::enable_user_signup Boolean Allow users to create an account on the cluster true
profile::freeipa::mokey::require_verify_admin Boolean Require a FreeIPA to enable Mokey created account before usage true


Variable Type Description Default
profile::globus::base::globus_user String Username under which the globus endpoint will be registered. undef
profile::globus::base::globus_password String Password associated with the globus username. undef


Variable Type Description Default
profile::nfs::client::server_ip String IP address of the NFS server undef


Variable Type Description Default
profile::reverse_proxy::domain_name String Domain name corresponding to the main DNS record A registered
profile::reverse_proxy::jupyterhub_subdomain String Subdomain name used to create the vhost for JupyterHub jupyter
profile::reverse_proxy::ipa_subdomain String Subdomain name used to create the vhost for FreeIPA ipa
profile::reverse_proxy::mokey_subdomain String Subdomain name used to create the vhost for Mokey mokey


Variable Type Description Default
profile::slurm::base::cluster_name String Name of the cluster
profile::slurm::base::munge_key String Base64 encoded Munge key
profile::slurm::base::slurm_version Enum[19.05, 20.11] Slurm version to install 20.11
profile::slurm::accounting:password String Password used by for SlurmDBD to connect to MariaDB
profile::slurm::accounting:dbd_port Integer SlurmDBD service listening port


Variable Type Description Default
profile::squid::port Integer Squid service listening port 3128
profile::squid::cache_size Integer Amount of disk space (MB) that can be used by Squid service 4096
profile::squid::cvmfs_acl_regex Array[String] List of regexes corresponding to CVMFS stratum users are allowed to access ['^(cvmfs-.*\.computecanada\.ca)$', '^(.*-cvmfs\.openhtc\.io)$', '^(cvmfs-.*\.genap\.ca)$']


Variable Type Description Default
profile::workshop::userzip_url String URL pointing to a zip that needs to be extracted in each guest account's home ''
profile::workshop::userzip_path String Path on the nfs server where to save the userzip archive '/project/userzip.zip'


Variable Type Description Default
profile::mfa::provider Enum['none', 'duo'] MFA provider for node tagged 'mfa' 'none'


Variable Type Description Default
duo_unix::usage String Either login or pam login
duo_unix::ikey String Duo integration ''
duo_unix::skey String Duo secret key ''
duo_unix::host String Duo api host ''
duo_unix::motd String Enable motd no
duo_unix::failmode String Failure mode, secure or safe safe