
Thailand Covid testing and case data gathered and combined from various sources for others to download or view

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Thailand COVID-19 Data

Note Share via https://djay.github.io/covidthailand

Thailand COVID-19 case/test/vaccination data gathered and combined from various government sources for others to view or download.

  • Updated daily 8-9am summary info, 1-3pm from full briefing. Testing data is updated every 1-3 weeks.

last update was.

NEW Excess Deaths


Data offered here is offered as is with no guarentees. As much as possible government reportsk and data feeds have been used effort has gone into making this data collection accurate and timely. This sites only intention is to give an accurate representation of all the available Covid data for Thailand in one place.

Links to all data sources are including in Downloads


Cases by Where Tested

Source of Confirmed Cases

Cases by Risk Group

Cases by Risk

Provinces with Cases Trending Up

To see cases for every province go to The Researcher Covid Tracker

Trending Up Confirmed Cases (by Provinces)

Trending Up Contact Cases (by Provinces)

Provinces with Most Cases

Cases by Health District

Cases by Health District

Cases by Age

Ages of Confirmed cases

Unoffcial Estimated Infections based on Deaths/IFR

Estimated Infections Thailand

Active Cases Since April 1st

Thailand Active Cases

Thailand Cases in ICU

  • Break down of active case status only available from 2020-04-24 onwards.
  • Other Active Cases + ICU + Ventilator + Field hospitals = Hospitalised, which is everyone who is confirmed (for 14days at least)
  • see Thailand Active Cases 2020-2021
  • Source: CCSA Daily Briefing


COVID-19 Deaths

Thailand Covid Deaths by Reason

COVID-19 Deaths by Health District

Thailand Covid Deaths by Health District

COVID-19 Deaths Age Range

Thailand Covid Death Age Range

Thailand Covid Death Age Range

Excess Deaths

Shows Deaths from all causes in comparison to the min, max and mean of Deaths from the 5 years pre-pandemic.

  • Note: there are many possible factors alter deaths up or down other than uncounted Covid Deaths

Thailand Excess Deaths by Region

Thailand Excess Deaths by Age

Thailand Excess deaths with Covid Deaths

Thailand Deaths Years Compared



Positive Rate

Positive Rate

PCR Tests in Thailand by day

Private and Public Tests

Private and Public Tests

PCR Tests by Health District

Tests by health area

Positive Rate by Health District

Proportion of positive rate contributed by health districts

  • Shows if all health districts are testing similarly

Health Districts with high Positive Rate (ex. some proactive tests)



Daily CCSA Briefings

  • Schema:
    • Date: e.g "2021-04-06"
    • Cases: Total cases that day. (Cases Imported + Cases Local Transmission)
    • Cases In Quarantine: "Cases found in quarantine facilities/centers"
    • Cases Imported: Cases In Quarantine + Cases outside quarantine
    • Cases Proactive: Local transmissions that aren't walk-ins
    • Cases Local Transmission: "Cases infected in Thailand". Cases Walkins + Cases Proactive
    • Cases Area Prison: Cases reported in prison on this date
    • Hospitalized: Total currently in isolation in hospital or field hospital
    • Hospitalized Field: Total currently in isolation in field hospitals
    • Hospitalized Hospital: total current active cases - anyone confirmed is considered hospitalized currently
    • Hospitalized Severe": Currently hospitalised in a severe condition. Unclear what kind of beds this entails.
    • Hospitalized Respirator: Current number in severe condition requiring ICU and mechanical ventilator
    • Recovered: Number released from hospital/field hospital on this date
    • Deaths: Number of deaths annouced that day
    • Deaths Age (Min,Max): Range of ages of those who died
    • Deaths Age Median": Median age of those who died
    • Deaths Comorbidity None: Deaths where there wasn't a disease that increased risk
    • Deaths {Female,Male}: Deaths for 2 of the genders
    • Deaths Risk Family: Deaths who likely cause of transmission was via family member
    • Source Cases: Tweet, api or briefing the primary information came from
    • Fields no longer updated
      • Cases (Asymptomatic,Symptomatic): - No longer reported in briefing reports

Cases/Deaths per province

  • Schema cases_by_province:
    • "Date": e.g "2021-04-06"
    • "Province": e.g "Samut Sakhon"
    • "Cases": Confirmed cases in this province
    • "Health District Number": 1-13 - see Thailand Health Areas
    • The following is no longer updated
      • "Cases Walkin": Confirmed cases found those requesting tests or asked to from contact tracing or the media. Paid or having met the PUI criteria. No longer updated
      • "Cases Proactive": Confirmed cases found government has gone to specific areas to mass test due to high risk of COVID-19. No longer updated
      • "Deaths": 31.0

Cases/Deaths per Health District

  • Schema cases_by_area:

    • "Date": e.g "2021-04-06"
    • "Cases Area {1-13}": Confirmed cases in a given Health Area
    • "Deaths Area {1-13}": Deaths that day in the health district
    • "Cases Risk: {Group} Area {1-13}": Categorisation of Risk field from the covid-19-daily dataset
    • The following are no longer updated but have some historical data
      • "Cases {Proactive,Walkin} Area {1-13}": Cases found by people where tested
  • Notes:

Cases by Health Area

Walk-in Cases by Health Area

Proactive Cases by Health Area

Cases by symptoms by Health Area

Deaths by Province

  • Schema:
    • e.g
      • "Date":"2021-04-27"
      • "death_num":149.0,
      • "gender":"Male",
      • "nationality":"ไทย",
      • "age":47.0,
      • "Province":"Bangkok"
    • Following information is extracted by not properly parsed yet
      • "congenital_disease":
      • "case_history":
      • "risk_factor_sickness":
      • "risk_factor_death":
  • Notes:
    • Stopped being published 2021-04-28. Only summary data in cases_by_area is continuing

MOPH Covid-19 Dashboard

  • Schema
    • Date
    • ATK
    • Cases
    • Cases Area Prison
    • Cases Imported
    • Cases Proactive
    • Cases Walkin
    • Deaths
    • Hospitalized
    • Hospitalized Field
    • Hospitalized Field HICI
    • Hospitalized Field Hospitel
    • Hospitalized Field Other
    • Hospitalized Hospital
    • Hospitalized Respirator
    • Hospitalized Severe
    • Recovered
    • Source Cases
    • Tests
    • Vac Given {1-3} Cum
  • Schema
    • Date
    • ATK
    • Cases
    • Cases Area Prison
    • Cases Imported
    • Cases Proactive
    • Cases Walkin
    • Deaths
    • Tests
    • Vac Given {1-3} Cum
  • Schema
    • Date
    • Cases Age {'0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70+'}
    • Deaths Age {'0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70+'}
    • Hospitalized Severe Age {'0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70+'}

Daily Situation Reports

Case Types and PUI counts

PUI from situation reports

Case Types

  • Schema

    • Date: e.g "2021-04-06"
    • Cases: Total cases that day. Cases Imported + Cases Local Transmission
    • Cases In Quarantine: "Cases found in quarantine facilities/centers"
    • Cases Imported: Cases In Quarantine + Cases outside quarantine
    • Cases Proactive: Local transmissions that aren't walk-ins
    • Cases Local Transmission: "Cases infected in Thailand". Cases Walkins + Cases Proactive
    • Tested PUI: People Classified as Person Under Investigation.
    • Tested PUI Walkin Public: "Sought medical services on their own at hospitals"/Public
    • Tested PUI Walkin Private: "Sought medical services on their own at hospitals"/Private
  • The following are included but are not useful data since 2020-08.

    • Tested: Not different from PUI since 2020-08 says "Total number of laboratory tests" but is mislabeled.
    • Tested Quarantine: Not changed since 2020-08. "Returnees in quarantine facilities/centers".
    • Tested Proactive: Not changed since 2020-08.Tested from "active case finding".
    • Tested Not PUI: Not changed since 2020-08. "People who did not meet the PUI criteria".
  • The following aren't yet included

    • Screened Ports: "Type of Screened People and PUI / Ports of entry (Airports, ground ports, and seaports)"
    • Screened Immigration "Type of Screened People and PUI / People renewing their passports at the Immigration Bureau, Chaeng Watthana"
  • Notes:

    • The only useful Tested number is "Tested PUI".
    • All the daily numbers have cumulative raw data columns (ending in "Cum") from which the daily numbers are calculated
      • except for all the Cases numbers from 2020-11-02 where daily numbers are taken from the reports
      • to calculate daily numbers missing data is interpolated
    • There are some figures in these reports not included
      • Screened Ports: Screened at "Ports of entry"
      • Screened Immigration: "People renewing their passports at the Immigration Bureau, Chaeng Watthana"
      • Data found in other places e.g.
        • Deaths
        • Recovered
        • Hospitalized

Testing Data

Private and Public Positive Test Results

Private and Public Positive Tests

Positive Test Results by health area

PCR Tests by health area

Positive Rate by Health District in overall positive rate (ex. some proactive tests)

Daily Tests Private+Public

  • Schema:
    • Date: e.g "2021-04-06"
    • Tests: PCR tests
    • Tests Private: PCR tests from private labs
    • Pos: Positive result
    • Pos Private: Positive result from private labs
    • Pos XLS: Tests positive results (includes corrected date-less data)
    • Tests XLS: Tests conducted (includes corrected date-less data)
  • Notes:
    • Uses case history graphs from the latest PPTX
    • data seems to exclude some non-PCR tests (likely used in some proactive testing)
    • The Test XLS data includes a number of tests and results for which the date is unknown. This has been redistributed into the Pos XLS and Tests XLS numbers. Other than this it should be the same numbers as Pos and Tests.

Tests by Health District

  • Schema:
    • Start: e.g "2021-04-06"
    • End: e.g "2021-04-13"
    • Pos Area {1-13} - Positive test results
    • Tests Area {1-13} - Total tests (PCR)
  • Notes:
    • not all periods are a week
    • data seems to exclude non-PCR tests (likely used in some proactive testing)
    • There are missing files, so some weeks' data are not shown
    • The example graphs shown have been extrapolated using daily totals from the test daily data

Vaccination Downloads

Daily DDC Vaccination Reports

      "Vac Allocated Sinovac {1,2}":3840.0,
      "Vac Allocated AstraZeneca {1,2}":0.0,
      "Vac Delivered": 200.00
      "Vac Given {1,2} Cum":3189.0,
      "Vac Given {1,2} %":83.0,
      "Vac Group Medical Staff {1,2} Cum":1939.0,
      "Vac Group Other Frontline Staff {1,2} Cum":1081.0,
      "Vac Group Over 60 {1,2} Cum":0.0,
      "Vac Group Risk: Disease {1,2} Cum":54.0,
      "Vac Group Risk: Location {1,2} Cum":115.0,
  • Note
    • The previous data per province is no longer updated in the reports so this download has been removed.
    • "Vaccinations Given 1/2 %" refers to the % of allocation, not against population.
    • 1/2 refers to shot 1 or shot 2.
    • Some days some tables are images so there is missing data.
    • Summary vaccination data included in the combine download
    • Delivered Vaccines comes from [Track and Traceability Platform]((https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/731713b6-a3c4-4766-ab9d-a6502a4e7dd6/page/SpZGC)
    • #TODO: put in thai group explanations.

COVID-19 Vaccines Track and Traceability Platform for Cold Chain and Patient Safety

      "Province": "Bangkok",
      "Vac Given Cum":3189.0,
      "Vac Given ":83.0,
      "Vac Given {vaccine} Cum":3189.0,
      "Vac Given {vaccine}":83.0,
      "Vac Allocated {vaccine} {1-2}:
      "Vac Group {group} {1-2} Cum: Cumulative vaccines given to particular risk group (dose 1 and 2)

BORA Monthly Deaths



Made with python/pandas/matplotlib. Dylan Jay gave a talk on how easy it is to extract data from PDFs and powerpoints and plot data at Bangkok's Monthly ThaiPy Event Video: "How I scraped Thailand's covid data" (1h mark)

Why do this? Originally to answer the question "Was Thailand doing enough testing?" for myself and because Someone was wrong on the internet.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Other sources of visualisations/Data for Thailand

Change log

  • 2021-08-15 - Dashboard parsing for provinces and ages with downloads
  • 2021-08-02 - Add ATK cases parsing from dashboard and put in case_types plot
  • 2021-07-30 - Add plots for excess deaths
  • 2021-07-18 - Add data on vaccines by manufacturer from vaccine slides
  • 2021-07-17 - Add estimate of death ages
  • 2021-07-13 - Remove import vaccines due to coldchain data being restricted
  • 2021-07-10 - Switch province plots to per 100,000
  • 2021-07-10 - Put actuals on main case plots
  • 2021-06-29 - Use coldchain data to plot deliveries and province vac data
  • 2021-06-22 - Add trending provinces for contact cases
  • 2021-06-12 - Add vacination daily and improve cumulative vaccinations
  • 2021-06-05 - update vaccination reports to parse summary timeline data only (missing source)
  • 2021-06-30 - death reasons and hospitalisation critical plots
  • 2021-05-21 - Estimate of Infections from Deaths
  • 2021-05-18 - Include prisons as seperate province/health district (because briefings do)
  • 2021-05-15 - improve highest positive rate plot to show top 5 only.
  • 2021-05-10 - parse unofficial RB tweet to get cases and deaths earlier
  • 2021-05-07 - add trending up and down provinces for cases
  • 2021-05-06 - add top 5 fully vaccinated provinces
  • 2021-05-05 - added recovered to active cases
  • 2021-05-04 - plots of deaths and vaccinations
  • 2021-04-28 - rolling averages on area graphs to make them easier to read
  • 2021-04-25 - Add graph of cases by risk and active cases (inc severe)
  • 2021-04-25 - Scrape hospitalisation stats from briefing reports
  • 2021-04-23 - Fixed mistake in testing data where private tests was added again
  • 2021-04-22 - data for sym/asymptomatic and pui private vs pui public
  • 2021-04-20 - Added case age plot
  • 2021-04-18 - Added clearer positive rate by district plot and made overall positive rate clearer
  • 2021-04-15 - Quicker province case type breakdowns from daily briefing reports
  • 2021-04-13 - get quicker PUI count from https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/index.php
  • 2021-04-12 - Put in "unknown area" for tests and cases by district so totals are correct
  • 2021-04-05 - add tweets with province/type break down to get more up to date stats

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