
Add More Features for x64dbg Script System,with some Functions which will help Plugin Coder

Primary LanguageC


just a try to add more feature's to x64dbg script system


History Section:

- version 2.0:
      1-all numbers are hex numbers.
      2-more nested in arguments.
      3-Build bridge to make plugin system Compatible with x64dbg script system.
      4-create parallel Functions to x64dbg Functions, like ( cmp >> cmpx ).
      5-rename new name (Varx Getx Setx) and fix array index entry.
      6-add VarxClear ( clear all variable to help user in test's ) , memdump with print style.
- version 1.6:
      1- add Parser system to recognize arguments.
      2- begin build Script system.
      3- add more Helper Functions.
- version 1.4:
      1- make StrCompx in separate Thread and add Sleep time to wait x64dbg to finish process.
      2- Fix Hex2duint function add length check in case it less than 2 . 
- version 1.3:
      1- Add another argument to cbLogxJustAtBP for printing on LogxWindow.
      2- now it accept bool argument like this (true/false-on/off-1/0).
      3- add StrComp_BP function for compare string in memory at BP.
      4- compiled x32.


Script Section:

-arguments value system (AVS): all argument pass through Parser system recognizer,how it work:
      1- all numbers are in hex shape ( setx $x,50  == setx $x,0x50). 
      2- search for all {} which is releated x64dbg system and try to resolve it.
      3- search for all $ which it's related to defined variables of AdvancedScript and resolve it. 
      4- search for all tokens by order ( * / + -) and resolve it.
      5- all numbers in int variables are saved as decimal, put when it printed it print with 
            two way hex and decimal.
      6- all numbers which stored in str or array var are heximal.
      7- when define variables no need to use $, but wher ever you use this var you should add $ first.
      8- when calulate int value all arguments will converted to int and make the formula exist.
      9- when calulate str or array all arguments are set to gather after it calculate it's value's.
      10- when we define array it will create array with 0x500 elements.

1- Varx:

it's Like Var in x64dbg system, for defining variable's which can used in Script commands.

Varx P1, P2 , P3(optional) 
      P1: variable type it holde ( str , int , array )  /// array is defined with 500 elements.
      P2: variable name it should not have spaces or begin with $ , 
        >>>>>>but when resolve it's value it should add $ before it.<<<< like this $x  >> value of x 
      P3: the value of the variable it's optional for str and array only and the value will be null
            for int type it should be have a value and must be int 
            note : you can use variable for this arguments like $x or {rax}.
            no need to use ""
 Variable type is :
 - int: all value will saved as int value.
 - str.
 - array with 0x500 string elements ( it's just string).
  sample :
         - varx int, x, 90
         - varx array, y, 1
         - varx str, x, {rax}
         - varx array, y
         - varx str, x
         - varx int, x, 0x45fa
         - varx int,x1,25+30     /// 0x55 /85
         - varx array, z,30
         - setx $z[10],test
         - varx int,x2,$x +$x1+$z[0]

2- Setx :

set value to the virables in AdvancedScript vriable system or x64dbg system. you can make add sub or multi or divide and you can nested arguments as you like.

Setx P1, P2 
      P1: variable name, it must (not) begin with $, because we need to assigned new value .
      for the array variable we use [Array_index] , no need this for int and str or Array_index=0
       array_index can accept variable's value
      P2: the value of the variable can used AVS, no need to use "".
   sample :
         - varx int, x, 90                x=0x90
           Setx x,10                      x=0x10
         - varx str, x, {rax}             x=rax value
           Setx $x,test                   x=test
           varx array,z,10                z[0]=10     because all elements are string       
           setx $z[5],$x$z[0]             z[5]=test10
           setx $z[5],$x $z[0]            z[5]=test 10
           setx $z[5],$x+$z[0]            z[5]=test+10
           setx $x,$z[0]                  x=0x10
           setx $x,$z[5]                  wrong value can't converted to int
         - varx int, x, 0x45fa            int x= 0x45FA\17914 :has been added
           varx str, z, 0xaa              str z= 0xaa :has been added
           setx $x, $z + 0x33 - 25        x= 0xB8\184
           varx array, y, 0x10            array y[0]= 0x10 :has been added
           setx $x, $x + $y[0]            x= 0xC8\200

3- Getx / Printx :

print the value of the virables .

SetVarx P1, P2 
      P1: variable name, it must begin with $, because we need to get the value .
            for the array we put [array_index] if not used then it will print first 
            element in the array.
            array_index can accept variable's value
          the value of the variable can used AVS, no need to use comma "".
   sample :
         - varx int, x, 90          x=0x90
           SetVarx $x,10            x=0x10
           getx $x                  x=0x10
         - varx str, x, {rax}       x=rax value
           getx $x                  x=rax value
         -varx int, x, 10           int x= 0x10\16 :has been added
          varx array, y, 1          array y[0]= 1 :has been added
          setx $y[$x], 110          y[10]= 110
          getx $y                   y[0]= 1
          getx $y[$x]               y[10]= 110

3- commands parallel of x64dbg :

it's collection of edit functions from x64dbg system, but it accept variables in the parameter.

  • (Movx , addx , subx , mulx , divx , andx , orx , xorx , shlx ) : first parameter will not analyzed, just the second one.
  • (pushx , popx):parameter will analyzed
  • cmpx : both parameter will analyzed
sample :
     - again:
      varx str,base,{rax}
      cmpx {rax},$base   	>>> cmpx analyzed both parameters so we can write like this
      jne done
      jmp again 
     - varx int,x,20
       varx int,y,0xFF
       var z     		>>> this var from x64dbg system
       addx rax,$x+$y               rax =rax + 0x32+ 0x255 = rax + 0x287 
       addx z,$x+$y                 z=z+0x287


4- findallmemx :

it's same findallmem in x64dbg system, but it accept variables in the parameter.

SetVarx P1, P2, P3 
      P1: The address to start searching from.
      P2: The byte pattern to search for. This byte pattern can contain wildcards (?)
            for example: EB0?90??8D
      P3: The size of the data to search in. Default is the entire memory map..
                  >>all variable can used AVS<<
   sample :
         - varx str, search, "4533C94533C033"  << or >> varx str, search, 4533C94533C033
           varx str, base, { rdx }
           findallmemx $base, $search
           mov rdi, ref.addr(0)

5- memdump :

dump memory to log window like windbg style

	//00007ff8`02f42280  cc c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc - 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00  ................
	//00007ff8`02f42290  cc c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc - 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00  ................

SetVarx P1, P2, P3 
      P1: The address to start dump.
      P2: size of data   
   sample :
         - memdump 00000000FF613570,50
                  00000000FF613570         4883EC28E807FEFFFF4883C428EB1190        H?�(�����H?�(��.
                  00000000FF613580         90909090909090909090909090909090        ................ 
                  00000000FF613590         488974240848897C241041544881ECB0        H?t$�H?|$�ATH��� 
                  00000000FF6135A0         0000008364242000488D4C2440FF157D        ...?d$ .H�L$@��} 
                  00000000FF6135B0         8C00009065488B042530000000488B78        ?...eH?�%0...H?x
        - memdump {cip},50         {cip}= rip address
        -varx str,address,{cip}
         varx str,size,20
         memdump $address,$size

6- VarxClear :

clear all variable's rest variables list , so we can add again same var Good for maintenance.

   sample :
         - VarxClear           


Log Section:

1- LogxJustAtBP:

Enable user to Log Just At BP or HW-BP so the Log window will contain the Value's you log, nothing else.
ofc you have to set the Log at Edit BreakPoint Dialog,Like this:


      LogxJustAtBP true,true  /// Log at BreakPoints on both Log window ( x64dbg and LogxWindow)
      LogxJustAtBP false,false /// Log as defaults 
      you can use another way to set the arguments Like :
      LogxJustAtBP on,on     or    LogxJustAtBP 1,1
      LogxJustAtBP off,off     or    LogxJustAtBP 0,0

note: use the last version of x64dbg.


2- LogxTemplateManager:

Show Template window which enable u to define many template you want to used it later at BP or At tracer.
it anable you to save and rename and delete template edit Template.
note : Template Folder will be in the x64dbg folder root as LogTemplate.
No parameters needed.



3- logxwindow:

Show Additional log window which log data from Logx Function it just for help to see log
when u want without extra info .
No parameters needed



4- logx:

useding to log by defined Template so you can used at command line direct, or you can put it at BP dialog to 
log as defined Template .
      logx TemplateName     /// Template name should define in LogxTemplateManager      



5- logxTrace:

this used as a Tracer to log as defined template using step triger ( F7 , F8 )
it will log direct to a file at LogTrace Folder as the name it define.
note : Trace Folder will be in the x64dbg folder root as LogTrace.
usege :
logxTrace P1,P2,P3
      P1 : on or off // (on:Enable tracer, need to enter (P2 & P3) , (off:disable Tracer , no need P2,P3).
      P2: Template Name should be define in LogxTemplateManager.
      P3: Trace file name ( it will created in LogTrace folder and it will be as Text file).
logxTrace off
logxTrace on,Template0,test


Functions Section:

1- strcompx :

used at the command of BP dialog to get the string at the address of memory , this Function use 
Contains compare so no need to write all string it's enough to write part of it and function will
find it.


StrCompx P1, P2 , P3 , P4
      P1: resume after hit the BP (true/false - on/off - 1/0). 1: contiue , 0: stop
      P2: log Template name ,it should defined in the LogxTemplateManager.
      P3: memory Address which hold the string if it's number then no problem, if it's string 
            (like [rsp+4]) it should follow x64dbg string format 

string Formatting

      P4: UserString2Compare u can put any string you want but it should not contain ,
 StrCompx 0,t1,{[esp+4]},x32dbg   // t1 name of the template
 StrCompx 1,Template0,{rdx},MSCTFIME UI
