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DESCRIPTION:An LWRP that can be used to fetch files from S3.
I created this LWRP to solve the chicken-and-egg problem of fetching files from S3 on the first Chef run on a newly provisioned machine. Ruby libraries that are installed on that first run are not available to Chef during the run, so I couldn’t use a library like Fog to get what I needed from S3.
This LWRP has no dependencies beyond the Ruby standard library, so it can be used on the first run of Chef.
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REQUIREMENTS:An Amazon Web Services account and something in S3 to fetch.
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USAGE:s3_file acts like other file resources. The only supported action is :create, which is the default.
Attribute Parameters:
‘aws_access_key_id` - your AWS access key id.
‘aws_secret_access_key` - your AWS secret access key.
‘bucket` - the bucket to pull from.
‘remote_path` - the S3 key to pull.
s3_file "/tmp/somefile" do remote_path "/my/s3/key" bucket "my-s3-bucket" aws_access_key_id "mykeyid" aws_aws_secret_access_key "mykey" action :create end