
Help for starting up and running a local Vue.js Meetup group

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Vue.js Meetup

Help for starting up and running a local Vue.js Meetup group. If you looking to run a Vue.js Conference, see our other repo conference-help.

Art Assets

These are located in our other repo.

Meetup Starter Pack

Pre-arrival checklist

  1. Order Food and drinks
  2. Pick up Food (if it isn't delivered)
  3. Bring plates, cups, forks, spoons, napkins, etc. for the food.
  4. Get there early to set up (move chairs, hook up projector, set up food)
  5. Take picture of food reciept to redeem with sponsor

Introductions checklist

  1. If there is food: Everyone go get some free food
  2. Let attendees introduce themselves (it's nice if this info is on a slide to keep each person's intro short)
    • Name
    • Where you work, do they use Vue, and are they hiring
    • How long you've been using Vue
  3. Thank sponsors (if you have them), Ask for sponsors (if you need some)
  4. Announcements
    • Major News in the world of Vue
    • Announce next month's talk/workshop/meetup
    • Call for speakers
  5. Introduce the talk and let the speaker introduce themself

Closing checklist

  1. Thank you all for coming tonight,
  2. Thanks to <SPEAKER> for the great talk
  3. Call for action for any needs the group has:
    • We need helpers for the group.
    • We need help finding a permanent location for the meetups.
    • We need speakers, so if you have a topic related to Vue you'd like to present or a workshop you'd like to run.
    • We need sponsors to cover the cost of the food/venue.
    • Come find me if you can help out with any of those things.
  4. Plug things (nice to have these on a slide as well):
    • If you have not joined the meetup, go to Meetup.com/GroupName
    • We have a Discord chatroom you can all join: discord.gg/1234abc
    • All of these link are available on our website: site.com
  5. That's it for tonight, thank you all again for coming out.
  6. Closing (depending on your situation):
    • You're free to hang out and talk for a while, and of course, TAKE HOME SOME FOOD!
    • We actually need to be out by <TIME>, so some of us are going to go over to <LOCATION> for drinks, if you'd like to keep talking and hangout, you can come along.

Meetup topics for talks/workshops

Finding locations for hosting

  • If the company you work for uses Vue.js, see if they would be willing to host events in their offices.
  • Investigate co-working spaces in your area to see if any will let you use their location for free for a meetup. Bringing a bunch of coders to a co-working space once a month can be good for business. It's basically free advertising for them to their target demographic.
  • Ask around about companies that use Vue.js and see if they would host the meetup.

Finding sponsorship

  • If you work at a company that uses Vue.js or that hires Frontend or Full stack devs, ask if they would like to sponsor the group. Be prepared to tell them the cost of sponsoring, what you need (anything listed under Things that can cost money), and explain the benefits of having a Vue.js community in town associated to them.
  • Talk with attendees who work at companies that use Vue.js and see if they could talk with their company to support/sponsor the group.
  • At the beginning or end of each meetup, mention that the group needs help finding sponsorship.

Things that can cost Money:

  • Meetup.com account (to create the meetup)
  • Location rental
  • Food
  • Stickers
  • T-Shirts


There is a #meetups channel on the official Vue.JS Discord server/chatroom:

List of existing Meetups:

North America
South America

Edit this document and submit a PR, or create an issue to get your group added to the list.