
An app which allows language teachers to send sentences to student. The students then have to categorize grammatical constructs.

Primary LanguageElixir

Sentence composition

A project for schools which let's teachers create sentences and mark their composition. The students can they practice their language skills. This software is aimed at high-schools.

Running in docker

We're using this guide to set up a testing environment in which our Phoenix app talks to Docker.

Use docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit to create the container. Tests can be run in the container with docker-compose run sencomp mix test.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

New database table

To set up new database table, refer to this Ecto tutorial. For list of database fields refer to the documentation here. The primary key column named id is created by default.


You can list all databases with \l. Then connect to a database with \c {db_name}. To list database tables use \dt. \d+ {table_name} prints the structure of a table.

To take a backup into an SQL file, use pg_dump -U sencomp -W --column-inserts sencomp > sencomp_dump.sql.

Useful references