
Primary LanguageScala

Mythic Table Gatling Load Tester

Running the Tests

  • In order to run these tests you will need docker and docker-compose on your machine.
  • The docker-compose config requires two variables set in the load_test/include/.env file in order to correctly map the docker internal user to your host machine.
    • This file is created and updated automatically if you run the tests via the load_test.sh script included, however if you wish to run docker-compose manually you will need to create it. See below for the contents.

Running Via Script

This has so far only been tested in a Linux environment.

  • Execute the load_test/load_test.sh script.
    • This should set up the aforementioned .env file and execute docker-compose.

Running Manually

  • Create the .env file as described below.
  • Navigate to the load_test/include directory.
  • Execute docker-compose up --build

Example Contents for .env File

  • Save this file as load_test/include/.env
  • This example assumes your local user uid and gid are both set to 1000 as is common on most Linux distributions.

Writing Tests

  • Tests are written in scala language.
  • Place these test files in the load_test/user_files/simulations directory, creating subdirectories to match the package name as required (see below example).
  • To add the test to the running sequence, edit load_test/conf/tests_to_run.list. Note that you need to include the fully qualified name to the test class (include the package name).
    • The list file supports '#' characters for comments for clarity and grouping of tests.

Example Test (From Gatling Wiki)

  • This example script would be placed in the load_test/user_files/simulations/mythictable/test directory.
package mythictable.test

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class BasicSimulation extends Simulation {

  val httpProtocol = http
    .acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
    .userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0")

  val scn = scenario("BasicSimulation")
