
Paper and Demo Implementation of Paradoxical Compression with VDF

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Paradoxical Compression

A lossless compression algorithm that can actually reduce the size of at least one input file must also necessarily expand the size of at least one other possible input file. This is a direct application of the pigeonhole principle. A compression algorithm that claims to never increase the size of any input, while at the same time reducing the size of at least some inputs (it's not the trivial do-nothing compression that, by definition, preserves the length of the input), is called paradoxical compression.

Paradoxical compression is mathematically impossible. This repository contains a description of how to nonetheless achieve it, as well as a demo implementation.

Of course I am slightly cheating here, but the cheat is conceptually interesting (and fun). The idea is that paradoxical compression might have only a small density of problematic cases (inputs where the algorithm misbehaves, e.g. by expanding the length or not decompressing to the original input) and tools from the field of cryptography can be used to "push away" these cases so that they mathematically exist but nobody can find one with nonnegligible probability. In essence, this is transforming the question from "is it mathematically possible?" to "can I claim to do it and not being detected as a fraud?". This change of model makes paradoxical compression possible.

Warning: "Paradoxical compression" is only about not increasing the length of any input. This is NOT "infinite compression", in which it is claimed that every possible input can be reduced in size. There is no shortage of scammers who peddle bogus infinite compression schemes; what I describe here will not help them. Infinite compression is mathematically impossible, but a lot more impossible than paradoxical compression (so to speak). Paradoxical compression can be achieved in practice because problematic inputs (inputs where two pigeons must be crammed into the same hole, in the pigeonhole metaphor) are rare and can be hidden away with cryptographic tools: you won't find such an input randomly, out of pure luck, the probability of hitting one is way too low, and the crypto tools can even make it infeasible to find a bad input on purpose. But with infinite compression, this is not the case: at least half of all possible inputs are "problematic" (i.e. they reveal that the claim is bogus, by not being preserved across a compression/decompression cycle), and thus easy to find (just try random values!). This is inescapable: one cannot achieve infinite compression without being quickly detected as a fraud.

Warning 2: Paradoxical compression is, practically speaking, useless. Data compression is useful if used in a context where some advantage can be leveraged out of shortened data, i.e. in the presence of some metadata that can identify the length of each individual message. In almost all cases, an extra "compressed / not compressed" flag can be smuggled somewhere in such metadata, which is enough to avoid paylooad expansion through compression without using any of the stuff described here. Thus, there should be little point in reusing the methods and code from this repository in any tangible software project. As a mathematical recreation, though, paradoxical compression is sort of fun.

Mathematical Description

The paper includes a detailed description of the concept and its realization. Two instantiations are described:

  • A simple instantiation requires the compressor and decompressor to share a secret key; this is a restrictive usage context, but it allows for an efficient, low-overhead implementation using only a MAC (message authentication code).

  • A more complex instantiation is keyless: no secret is needed, so that the compressor and decompressor may, for instance, be code that runs on anybody's machine. The cryptographic tool used here is a verifiable delay function (VDF), specifically the one described by Wesolowski at Eurocrypt 2019.


The src/ subdirectory contains a demo implementation of the keyless method, with Wesolowski's VDF. It is written in pure C# and is not especially efficient (it's just a demonstration). It can be built and executed on Windows, macOS or Linux. On macOS and Linux, you need to install some C#/.NET support, e.g. Mono (on Ubuntu systems, just install the mono-devel package).

To build the code, use the build.cmd (on Windows) or build.sh (on Linux and macOS) script. This produces three command-line executables, Compress.exe (to compress a file), Decompress.exe (to decompress a file), and TestParadoxCompress.exe (to run self-tests).

In the source code, the BigInt/ directory contains a general-purpose big integer implementation; it is somewhat faster than the one that comes with .NET 4.0 in the specific case of big integer values that happen to be small (i.e. they could fit on 32 bits). It also offers integer primality tests, which the .NET implementation does not have; this is used in the paradoxical compression implementation.

The Crypto/ directory contains a straightforward pure C# implementation of the SHA3 hash function, and the SHAKE extensible output function (XOF), as specified in FIPS 202.

The real core of the implementation is in the ParadoxCompress.cs file. I included comments. Refer to the paper for details.


If you think about reusing this code anywhere, read again the warnings above.

The SHA3/SHAKE implementations, and the big integer code (ZInt structure), can be useful. Feel free to reuse; license is, formally speaking, MIT (see the LICENSE file), which I understand to be sort of the default "no worry" license that allows anybody to reuse the code without making me responsible for anything.