
Creates VXLAN tunnel overlay and BGP peering between two A-A Fortigate pairs in different Azure regions.

Requires the VNETs be peered with forwarded traffic allowed.

Uses forked version of fortios provider.

Requires FortiOS >= 6.4.5

Uses sub-table resources in BGP and SDWAN parent tables. Do not mix and match here.

Intended for use with my other modules for Azure.

Example Usage:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0.1"
  backend "local" {}
  required_providers {
    fortios = {
      source  = "poroping/fortios"
      version = ">= 3.1.4"

locals { 
  api_key = "keys" 

provider "fortios" {
  alias    = "eu_hub1"
  hostname = ""
  token    = local.api_key
  vdom     = "root"
  insecure = "true"

provider "fortios" {
  alias    = "eu_hub2"
  hostname = ""
  token    = local.api_key
  vdom     = "root"
  insecure = "true"

provider "fortios" {
  alias    = "us_hub1"
  hostname = ""
  token    = local.api_key
  vdom     = "root"
  insecure = "true"

provider "fortios" {
  alias    = "us_hub2"
  hostname = ""
  token    = local.api_key
  vdom     = "root"
  insecure = "true"

locals {
  tunnel_supernet = ""

resource "fortios_system_sdwan_zone" "region1_hub1" {
  provider = fortios.eu_hub1

  allow_append = true

  name                  = "VX-EU-US"
  service_sla_tie_break = "fib-best-match"

resource "fortios_system_sdwan_zone" "region1_hub2" {
  provider = fortios.eu_hub2

  allow_append = true

  name                  = "VX-EU-US"
  service_sla_tie_break = "fib-best-match"

resource "fortios_system_sdwan_zone" "region2_hub1" {
  provider = fortios.us_hub1

  allow_append = true

  name                  = "VX-US-EU"
  service_sla_tie_break = "fib-best-match"

resource "fortios_system_sdwan_zone" "region2_hub2" {
  provider = fortios.us_hub2

  allow_append = true

  name                  = "VX-US-EU"
  service_sla_tie_break = "fib-best-match"

module "hub_interconnect-1-1" {
  providers = {
    fortios.a = fortios.eu_hub1
    fortios.b = fortios.us_hub1
  source  = "poroping/hub-vxlan-interconnect/fortios"
  version = "0.0.1"

  side_a = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64420
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region1_hub1.name
  side_b = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64430
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region2_hub1.name
  tunnel_subnet  = cidrsubnet(local.tunnel_supernet, 7, 0)
  name_overwrite = "VX-1"

module "hub_interconnect-1-2" {
  providers = {
    fortios.a = fortios.eu_hub1
    fortios.b = fortios.us_hub2
  source  = "poroping/hub-vxlan-interconnect/fortios"
  version = "0.0.1"

  side_a = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64420
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region1_hub1.name
  side_b = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64430
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region2_hub2.name
  tunnel_subnet  = cidrsubnet(local.tunnel_supernet, 7, 1)
  name_overwrite = "VX-2"

module "hub_interconnect-2-1" {
  providers = {
    fortios.a = fortios.eu_hub2
    fortios.b = fortios.us_hub1
  source  = "poroping/hub-vxlan-interconnect/fortios"
  version = "0.0.1"

  side_a = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64420
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region1_hub2.name
  side_b = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64430
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region2_hub1.name
  tunnel_subnet  = cidrsubnet(local.tunnel_supernet, 7, 2)
  name_overwrite = "VX-2"

module "hub_interconnect-2-2" {
  providers = {
    fortios.a = fortios.eu_hub2
    fortios.b = fortios.us_hub2
  source  = "poroping/hub-vxlan-interconnect/fortios"
  version = "0.0.1"

  side_a = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64420
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region1_hub2.name
  side_b = {
    local_gateway    = null
    parent_interface = "port1"
    bgp_as           = 64430
    sdwan_zone       = fortios_system_sdwan_zone.region2_hub2.name
  tunnel_subnet  = cidrsubnet(local.tunnel_supernet, 7, 3)
  name_overwrite = "VX-1"


Name Version
fortios.a >= 3.1.5
fortios.b >= 3.1.5
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
side_a n/a
local_gateway = string
parent_interface = string
bgp_as = number
sdwan_zone = string
n/a yes
side_b n/a
local_gateway = string
parent_interface = string
bgp_as = number
sdwan_zone = string
n/a yes
name_overwrite n/a string null no
tunnel_subnet n/a string "" no